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Treatment is unnecessary, and education andreassuranceare usually sufficient. Rarely a child with violent myoclonus experiences frequent arousals disruptive to sleep, and a small dose ofclonazepammay be considered. Videos of children with this benign condition are very reassuring for the family to see...
Unless the author has written permission from the patient (or, where applicable, the next of kin), the personal details of any patient included in any part of the article and in any supplementary materials (including all illustrations and videos) must be removed before submission. Declaration of...
During the workshop, the researchers showed multiple videos and other materials to the group and asked for specific feedback about what was effective. Drawing on the expertise of the neuropsychologists on the team, the materials also include information on how the brain works and how teachers can...
The severity of symptoms can vary greatly, from simple staring spells to loss of consciousness and violent convulsions. For most people with epilepsy, each seizure is similar to previous ones. The type of seizure a person has depends on a variety of things, such as the part of the brain af...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. Suggested translational strategy to bridge the knowledge gap observed in our study. CG-caregiver; PWE-people with epilepsy; ASM-anti-seizure medications. Our study has few limitations. It is a small single center study. The findings could be different...