Download this poster and share it with your friends: TalkAboutIt-Epilepsy-Awareness-Poster-18x24.pdf Check out the videos atwith actor Greg Grunbuerg and his celebrity friends, like Kristen Bell, Milo Ventimiglia, Chris Pine, and Zachary Quinto. They are talking about epilepsy, first aid, bul...
Finally, EEG is vital to understanding seizure onset and spread. As a first step, patients should be evaluated in a long-term noninvasive EEG setting. This allows neurologist to review changes in bran rhythms before, during and after seizures, and relate these findings to videos of seizure sym...
The severity of symptoms can vary greatly, from simple staring spells to loss of consciousness and violent convulsions. For most people with epilepsy, each seizure is similar to previous ones. The type of seizure a person has depends on a variety of things, such as the part of the brain af...