Export PDF Favorites Scan Get Citation Shared Abstract Figures/Tables References Cited by Citation: 儿童癫痫持续状态协作组. 儿童癫痫持续状态诊断治疗的中国专家共识(2022). Journal of Epilepsy, 2022, 8(5): 383-389. doi: 10.7507/2096-0247.202207002 Copy Copyright © the editorial department ...
Cognitive declineEpilepsyMild cognitive impairmenAnti-seizure medicationCurrent Treatment Options in Neurology - Discuss the state of the literature for the treatment of comorbid epilepsy and cognitive dysfunction, specifically focusing on the older adult. Epilepsy and......
For both malformations and neurodevelopmental outcomes exposure to valproate presents the highest teratogenic risk of the AEDs and has led to a number of regulatory decisions and guidelines pertaining to the avoidance of valproate treatment in the childbearing years, where safe to do so [86], [87]...
Patients were excluded if they met any of the following criteria: (1) Non-adherence to dietary guidelines, (2) Presence of metabolic syndrome, or (3) Pregnancy. Through use of the randomization software and blocked design, subjects were randomly distributed between the two treatment arms while ...
byRutgers University Credit: CC0 Public Domain A surgical treatment commonly used to reduce epileptic seizures in adults also is effective and safe for children, according to a Rutgers study. The study, published in the journalNeurosurgery, is one of the first to investigate responsive neurostimulati...
12. Strzelczyk A, Schubert-Bast S. A practical guide to the treatment of dravet syndrome with anti-seizure medication. CNS Drugs, 2022, 36(3): 217-237. 13. Sourbron J, Smolders I, de Witte P,et al. Pharmacological analysis of the anti-epileptic mechanisms of fenfluramine inscn1amutan...
Examples of recent topics include epilepsy and autoimmunity, brain function, neurostimulation, status epilepticus, alternative treatment options, biomarkers, psychopathology, detection and predictive methods, novel neuroimaging findings, functional seizures (psychogenic non-epileptic seizures), and EEG and video...
We advise you to read the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines and the SAGER checklist (PDF) on the EASE website, which offer systematic approaches to the use of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, outcome reporting and research interpretation. For furthe...
U.S. reported living with active epilepsy during the years 2021 and 2022. In addition, 38% of U.S. adults suffering from active epilepsy indicated they had a disability. Moreover, advancements in technology enable real-time monitoring and personalized treatment plans, thereby fostering market ...
Vitamin B6 therapy should be started as early as possible in this group of patients, as prompt and timely treatment is strongly associated with a favorable prognosis. Patients who do not receive timely treatment usually have severe developmental delays and severe brain damage. The activity of PNPO...