The existing system proposes an automatic process of classifying epileptic diagnoses based on ICD-9. A text mining approach, using preprocessed medical records is used to classify each instance mapping into the corresponding standard code. The proposed system contributes in enhancing the accuracy in ...
To circumvent this laborious process we propose an automatic process of classifying epileptic diagnoses based on ICD-9. We put forward a text mining approach, using processed electronic medical records and a K-Nearest Neighbor is applied as a white-box multi classifier approach to classify each ...
The ICD-9 code for epilepsy is 345 and the ICD-10 codes for epilepsy are G40 and G41. Mortality from epilepsy was modelled with the Cause of Death Ensemble model, a tool developed for GBD cause of death analysis. The Cause of Death Ensemble model has the ability, through out-of-...
Epilepsy was determined with ICD-10 G40, ICD-9 345, ICD-8 345 and Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) code 111. Exclusion criteria were ICD-9 3452/3453 and ICD-8 34520. GGE was determined with ICD-10 G40.3, ICD-9 345(0-3) and ICD-8 34519. Exclusion criteria were ICD...
A total of 4323 patients aged 16鈥 64 years (including 1886 employees) with at least one epilepsy diagnosis (International Classification of Diseases, 9th edition, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM] code 345.x) over the period 19992004 were included. The control group was a demographically matched...
2005年ILAE的修定:癫痫发作:由于大脑神经元异常和过度的或同步化的活动导致一过性的体征及(或)症状。癫痫:是一种脑部疾患,特点为持续存在的易感性产生癫痫发作,并有由于这种情况引起的神经生物学、认知、心理学以及社会方面的后果。Definition--seizureorepilepsticseizure Aseizureisasudden,transient...
The existing system proposes an automatic process of classifying epileptic diagnoses based on ICD-9. A text mining approach, using preprocessed medical records is used to classify each instance mapping into the corresponding standard code. The proposed system contributes in enhancing the accuracy in ...
Among them were included patients who fulfilled the International Classification of Diseases 9 (ICD-9) codes and/or the disease-specific exemption code for epilepsy and those who had at least one EEG record and took antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) as monotherapy or in variable combinations. To ...
To circumvent this laborious process we propose an automatic process of classifying epileptic diagnoses based on ICD-9. We put forward a text mining approach, using processed electronic medical records and a K-Nearest Neighbor is applied as a white-box multi classifier approach to classify each ...
We identified 956 patients (18-67 years) with ICD 9 code 345 as primary diagnosis, seen at the Central Hospital of Akershus over 7 years (1987-1994). The diagnosis of epilepsy was confirmed for 696 of the patients. These were divided into two groups: (1) no seizures during the previous...