In the field of medical science, one of the major recent researches is the diagnosis of the abnormalities in brain. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a record of neuro signals that occur due the different electrical activities in the brain. These signals can be captured and processed to get the ...
Electroencephalogram (EEG) is one the most used tools for the diagnoses and analysis of epilepsy. The diagnosis of epilepsy diseases are still made by physicians manually. This process is time consuming and subjective. In this study, EEG signal is analyzed by Discrete Time Wavelet Transform and ...
the results of an electroencephalogram (EEG).In many cases, your doctor will also order a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of the brain. Other types of brain scans also may be needed.Your doctor may want to check whether your seizures are related to ...
the EEG may be relatively normal or non-specifically slow, and serial recordings should be performed every 3–4 weeks, if there is suspicion of CJD. Absence of PC in the EEG after 12 weeks duration of illness has been said to be a strong pointer against the diagnosis of CJD...
Y. Song, "A review of developments of EEG-based automatic medical support systems for epilepsy diagnosis and seizure detection", Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, vol. 4, pp. 788-796, 2011.Yuedong S.: A Review of Developments of EEG-Based Automatic Medical Support Systems for ...
DiagnosisofepilepsyClinicalpictureClinicalhistoryDescriptionofSzSymptomatologyPhysical/NeurologicexaminationTherapyEEGBackgroundactivityEpileptiformactivityInterictalIctalPostictalLaboratorytestsNeuroimaging DifferenialdiagnosisFebrileSeizuresAges3monthsto5yearsFeverNon-CNSinfectionGeneralizedseizuresLastlessthan5minutesMigrainePositive...
Non-epileptic seizures(called pseudoseizures) are not accompanied by abnormal electrical activity in thebrainand may be caused by psychological issues or stress. However, non-epileptic seizures look like true seizures, which makes diagnosis more difficult. NormalEEGreadings and lack of response to epile...
(IEDs)) can be used to support diagnosis, however their sensitivity can be as low as 29% from a first EEG7. When detected, IEDs may contribute to diagnosing the seizure type and epilepsy type, with generalized IEDs suggesting a generalized epilepsy, and focal IEDs suggesting a focal epilepsy...
The entropy is a nonlinear parameter that reflects the complexity of the EEG signal. Many entropies have been used to differentiate normal, interictal and ictal EEG signals. This paper discusses various entropies used for an automated diagnosis of epilepsy using EEG signals. We have presented ...
EEG features in idiopathic generalized epilepsy: dues to diagnosis. Epilepsia 2006; 47(3): 523-528.Betting LE, Mory SB, Lopes-Cendes I et al (2006) EEG features in idiopathic generalized epilepsy: clues to diagnosis. Epilepsia 47(3):523-8...