Mosher HP. X-ray study of movements of the tongue, epiglottis and hyoid bone in swallowing, followed by a discus- sion of difficulty in swallowing caused by retropharyngeal diver- ticulum, postcricoid webs and exostoses of cervical vertebrae. Laryngoscope 1927;37:235-62....
1.Lateral soft tissue X-ray of neck may show swollen epiglottis (thumb sign) . 颈部外侧软组织X光片可见肿胀(拇指征)。 「日常生活医学科普」 2.It is an acute inflammatory condition confined to supraglottic structures which include epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds and arytenoids. 急性炎是一种急症...
During swallowing, laryngeal muscles are pulled up and the tongue presses the epiglottis into the glottis, directing the foods and drinks to the esophagus and preventing them to be aspirated into the lungs. Once the food bolus passes through the epiglottis, it flaps back to its resting state so...
C. Chest X-ray showing pneumoniaD. Enlarged tonsils Elevated white blood cell (WBC) count A child with epiglottitis is scheduled for discharge. Which statement by the parent indicates understanding of discharge instructions?A. "I should continue the IV antibiotics at home."B. "My child may ...
The images obtained by means of the EDR 700 model (X-ray unit, Medicor Co., Medical Ro¨ntgen RT, Budapest, Hungary) were video-recorded. The recordings were made on magnetic video tape using VHS at the rate of 24 frames per second. This enabled us to watch multiple replays of the ...