(Anatomy) a thin cartilaginous flap that covers the entrance to the larynx during swallowing, preventing food from entering the trachea ˌepiˈglottal,ˌepiˈglotticadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
epiglottis [ ep-i-glot-is ] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun ,Anatomy. ,pluralep·i·glot·tis·es,ep·i·glot·ti·des[ep-i-, glot, -i-deez]. a thin, valvelike, cartilaginous structure that covers the glottis during swallowing, preventing the entrance of food and drink into the larynx....
At the age of 2, the tongue enlarges and its muscles push the larynx into a deeper position in the throat. So by this time, the child will not be able to breathe and swallow simultaneously anymore without choking [1]. Epiglottis : Photos of Anatomy: Where is it Located? Picture 1:Sag...
Definition Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Featured Authors Anatomical model images Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Chapter Pharmacology, Anatomy, and Physiology Sedation (Fifth Edition) Book2010, Sedation (Fifth Edition) ...
Describe the anatomy of the esophagus and define GERD (a) Define lower esophageal sphincter. (b) What is its function? Define the following medical term: Apnea Identify the term from the given definition: The ability of the lungs to stretch. What is respiratory distress syndrome? Which of the...
Explain in detail the anatomy of the pharynx. What is the function of the smooth muscle in the walls of the alimentary canal? Explain why food does not normally go up into your nasal cavity or down into your lungs when you swallow, even if you are standing on you...
(Anatomy) a thin cartilaginous flap that covers the entrance to the larynx during swallowing, preventing food from entering the trachea ˌepiˈglottal,ˌepiˈglotticadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000...
You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Pharmacology, Anatomy, and Physiology Stanley F.MalamedDDS, inSedation (Fifth Edition), 2010 Epiglottis Although not an integral part of the respiratory system, theepiglottis, a platelike structure extending from thebaseof thetongue...