Two weeks after trauma a young man developed signs and symptoms of cervical radiculopathy and myelopathy. Myelography revealed an extradural mass in the spinal canal at the cervicothoracic junction. At operation an epidural hematoma was found, the pathological features of which suggested that it had ...
epidural hematomaposterior cranial fossacomplicationcerebral sinus thrombosispseudomeningoceleBackground: Traumatic posterior fossa epidural hematomas (TPFEDH) occur infrequently however their mortality and morbidity are higher than supratentorial epidural hematomas. Signs and symptoms may be silent or nonspecific...
Dural Sinus Epidural Hematomas develop more slowly Headache NauseaandVomiting Nuchal Rigidity V. Signs: Pathognomonic Presentation Classic presentation occurs in only 20% of patients Loss of consciousness Period of lucency interspersed between 2 distinct periods of LOC ...
Sixty-four cases of bilateral epidural hematomas were reviewed. The factors of patient age, direction of injuring forces, location of hematomas, presence of associated skull fracture, and time interval between injury and onset of signs and symptoms were analyzed. The results of this analysis show...
Spinal epidural hematoma is rare and generally associated with significant osseous spinal column involvement. Although rare, hematoma should be considered in ankylosing spondylitis patients, when a patient develops progressive neurologic symptoms and signs. An aggressive approach, including early decompression,...
Supplemental Digital Content is available in the text Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSEH) is a relatively rare but potentially disabling disease, and the classical presentation of it includes an acute onset of severe, sometimes radiating back or neck pain, followed by signs and symptoms of ...
Post-operative contralateral epidural hematomas after surgery for acute subdural hematoma seem to be rare. In this case, expansion and spontaneous resolution of a fractural epidural hematoma contralateral to the side of acute subdural hematoma is presented. The importance of immediate post-operative ...
Spinal epidural hematoma is defined as spontaneous when there is no known underlying cause or predisposing bleeding factor. Its incidence is very low, approximately one per million inhabitants per year. However, it may cause acute and irreversible neurological symptoms. For this reason, it is conside...
Spinal subdural hematoma 椎管内硬膜下血肿 Epidural abscess 硬膜外脓肿 Metastases or lymphoma 转移瘤或淋巴瘤 治疗 A decompressive laminectomy and evacuation of hematoma is crucial for SSEH in the presence of neurologic deficit or acute-onset severe symptoms and signs. ...
The male patient felt a sudden back pain after six days of successful analgesia and became paraplegic 24 hours afterwards. An emergency laminectomy and removal of the hematoma were performed; however, the patient recovered only incompletely. We discuss the clinical signs and symptoms of spinal ...