[课件]CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY--INTRODUCTION科研设计PPT CLINICALEPIDEMIOLOGY-INTRODUCTION科研设计 第一章 Introduction 绪论 基本概念研究内容 研究方法 第一节 基本概念 定义 临床流行病学是将现代流行病学及生物统计学 的原理和方法引入临床医学领域,研究患病群体的 疾病自然史、诊断方法和治疗效果评价的交叉学科。特 ...
(design) (3)干预措施(intervention) (4)对照组的设置(comparison) (5)研究的结果(outcomes) (6)时间因素(time) 即:PDICOT * 绪论 第五节 临床流行病学的研究方法 研究的性质 备选方案 论证强度 可行性 病因/危险因素(aetiology/risk factor) —随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial, RCT) ++++ - —...
妇产科流行病学Epidemiology基本概念定义.PPT,TIME Not Exposed Exposed Outcomes Cohort Study, recruit at exposure, measure Outcome Advantage - Measures risk ratio (RR). Disadvantages - Time, n, cost. Cohort Study T1 T2 Case-Control Study, recruit on outcome
首先,为了测量risk,我们需要各种实验设计。最好的study design是RCT。其次是observational study,包括...
This paper aims to conduct the SD-CBL (study design with the case based learning, SD-CBL) in Epidemiology teaching and evaluate its effect. Students from five classes were recruited, and a combined comprehensive teaching model of SD-CBL was used in the "Injury Epidemiology" chapter, while ...
第二节第二节 队列研究的设计与实施队列研究的设计与实施 Section Two Design and Implementation 一、确定研究的目的一、确定研究的目的 To Determine the purpose of Study 首先要确定研究的目的,即根据描述性流首先要确定研 28、究的目的,即根据描述性流行病学提出的病因假设或病例对照研究初行病学提出的病因假设...
把握度越高,样本含量越高,第二节 队列研究的设计与实施 Section Two Design and Implementation,二)样本量估计方法 Methods of sampling estimation in cohort study 其公式为: ( Z2PQ Zp0q0p1q1)2 n (p1 p0)2 例:一项队列研究,估计暴露人群的发病率为10%,非暴露人群的发病率为5%,希望把握度为90%,显著...
Teenage pregnancy Pre-term birth OR 1.2 – 1.9 Low birth weight Baby at increased risk of Pre-term birth OR 1.2 – 1.9 Low birth weight OR 1.2 – 1.8 Neonatal mortality OR 1.3 – 2.7 Harm, illness, injuries Behavioural and emotional complications 2 X more likely to have a teen birth Sou...
PPT itself manufactures the level has manifested company's strength and designed capacity, the list said from the text, it is actually for the customer idle 睱 when glances over, therefore we pay attention to the page layout the design and the content enrichment.Moreover, overcomes an obstacle...