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He authored many articles and chapters in international journals and books covering varies fields of Urology. He is a reviewer of many international journals of Urology including Journal of Urology, Journal of Endourology, Current Urology, European Journal of Surgical Oncology and International Braz J ...
2018 Apr. Available from: http://www.ilo.org/global/publications/books/WCMS_626831/lang--en/index.htm. Menezes-Júnior LA, Parajára MD, Silva JI, Friche AA, Andrade AC, Silva LS, et al. O trabalho terceirizado e por turnos está associado ao aumento do risco de COVID-19?
More books by this publisher Print & copy permissions Supported devices The impact of the environment on human health is of growing concern to the public, politicians and public health practitioners. Epidemiology offers a way of investigating and measuring potential hazards, from local sources of po...
INTRODUCTION: Snake bites are a silent public health problem in Kenya. Previous studies on snake bites in the country have mainly focused on identifying offending snake species, assessing the severity of envenomation and testing the efficacy of antivenom
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. Pathogenic mechanisms of IgG4-RD: a) Eventual initial mechanisms include local autoantigens, infectious agents, allergic components in a genetically predisposed individual; b) These factors activate immune reaction in the target tissue (organ/organs) which...
In the year 1417, Florence had a population of 60,000 inhabitants and the Italian city’s Grain Office maintained a series of Books of Dead which recorded the number of human deaths caused by the bubonic plague. Florentines contracted the disease through contact with infected black rats and ...
Lindan R, Joiner E, Freehafer AA, Hazel C. Incidence and clinical features of autonomic dysreflexia in patients with spinal cord injury. Paraplegia. 1980;18:285–92.CrossRefPubMed 37. Consortium for Spinal Cord. Acute management of autonomic dysreflexia: adults with spinal cord injury present...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 2. The fitted functions of sub-populations Q, R, and D of Samut Sakhon Province, based on the adjusted SIQRV parameters with no vaccination. Apart from the complicated effective infection rates, the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical mitigation (μ) is ...