Nevertheless, more understanding of what constitutes successful mentoring and how to develop programs that create great mentors is needed.doi:10.1016/j.annepidem.2013.05.009DavisFaith G.Elsevier Inc.Annals of EpidemiologyDavis FG. Mentoring in epidemiology and public health training. Ann Epidemiol. 2013...
Translationalresearch abstract Toextendthereachandrelevanceofepidemiologyforpublichealthpractice,thescienceneedsbe broadenedbeyondetiologicresearch,tolinkmorestronglywithemergingtechnologiesandto acknowledgekeysocietaltransformations.Thisnewfocusforepidemiologyanditsimplicationsfor epidemiologictrainingcanbeconsideredinthecontextof...
There is a significant role for the practice of epidemiology throughout the world if health professionals are to work effectively towards Health for All. The status quo leaves a great deal to be desired, as evidenced by recent signals from the premier international health agency, the World Health...
This arrangement should help to maintain the scientific skills and judgement of the public health epidemiologist when faced with the need to modify traditional methods of investigation. 展开 关键词: epidemiology public health medicine scientific method pragmatic compromise training ...
To extend the reach and relevance of epidemiology for public health practice, the science needs be broadened beyond etiologic research, to link more strongly with emerging technologies and to acknowledge key societal transformations. This new focus for epidemiology and its implications for epidemiologic ...
摘要: The author analyzes the development and perspectives of epidemiology as a scientific discipline and as a component in the organization of the public health system. As a basis serve mainly evaluations and views of WHO on these problems.关键词: Public health ...
This integrative and rational concept of development of prevention strategies results in a close cooperation of public health nutrition and nutritional epidemiology. Therefore, a well based and independent nutritional epidemiological academic training and research is decisive for the competitive potency of a...
9.2 Simulations for epidemiology and public health education Using computer simulations as a pedagogical tool is now common in many scientific technology training and the teaching of science con- cepts (Liao and Sun, 2001; Colpitts, 2002; Hsieh et al, 2006). Computer simulations are also being ...
p pThe Central America Field Epidemiology Training Program (CA FETP) is a public health capacity-building training programme aimed at developing high-caliber field epidemiologists at various levels of the public health system. It began in 2000 as part of the effort to rebuild public health infrastr...
Central America Field Epidemiolo- gy Training Program(CA FETP):a pathway to sustainable public health capacity developmen[t J]. Human Resources for Health,2008,16(6):27-34.Lopez A, Caceres VM: Central America Field Epidemiology Training Program (CA FETP): a pathway to sustainable public ...