2月24日,WHO称还没到用pandemic来形容新冠的程度。新闻网站如此报道:The WHO warned on Monday against using the term "pandemic" to describe the current outbreak. / Epidemic in China Peaked, Not A Pandemic Yet. 此时,中国累计确诊7.7万,且国外病例激增,韩国确诊602,日本确诊838人(钻石公主号691),意大利...
#天天记单词#【pandemic】vs.【epidemic】韦氏词典和dictionary.com的2020年度词汇都是pandemic。有人会把pandemic和epidemic混淆,毕竟它俩都包含“流行病”这个释义。实际上,二者最大的区别在于它们的传播程度。根据《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》,epidemic的感染范围是a particular community,而pandemic感染的是a whole ...
细心的你一定注意到了这些pandemics后面括号里的年限,也就是说一种传染病,如黑死病,不是一旦带上pandemic的帽子就摘不下来了,随着疾病的发展,它被较好地控制后(筛查、诊疗、预防、疫苗研发发面的进展等),会变成一种epidemic, 或者是endemic, 只是在1346-1353期间肆虐不可控,是pandemic. ——从日常用法的角度 日常用...
简而言之,pandemic就是全球性的流行病。pandemic感染的人更多,导致的死亡人数更多,还可能对社会和经济造成广泛的影响。1918年到1919年的西班牙流感在全世界导致2000万至4000万人丧生,这种流行病属于pandemic;离现在更近的2009年的甲型流感也是pandemic。 在《柯林斯英语...
epidemic vs pandemic发音 意思翻译 流行病与大流行 相似词语短语 epidemic meningitis───[内科]流行性脑膜炎 epidemic parotitis───流行性腮腺炎 epidemic encephalitis───流行性脑炎 epidemic cholera───流行性霍乱 epidemic proportions───流行的程度 双语使用场景 英语使用场景 相关推荐 epidemic vs ...
Epidemic vs. Pandemic Anepidemicis defined as “an outbreak of disease that spreads quickly and affects many individuals at the same time.” Apandemicis a type ofepidemic(one with greater range and coverage), an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exc...
在某些情况下,一种流行病可以发展成为一种全球大流行疾病——一种迅速跨越国界蔓延到其它国家和大陆的流行疾病。全球大流行的字首全球(pan-;pandemic)意思是“全部”,就如泛美航空指的是“全美”一样。 并非所有的流行病都会演变成全球大流行疾病。一些流行病在还没蔓延到全球之前会迅速爆发然后消失殆尽。但是,一旦...
Epidemic vs. Pandemic Medical professionals use the terms "epidemic" and "pandemic" to distinguish between the size and scale of a disease's spread. When there is an "epidemic," it generally refers to a sudden increase in the number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected.1...
1918 flu pandemic:The H1N1 flu virus caused this pandemic, also known as the "Spanish flu." The virus emerged in the U.S., and research has shown that it likely leaped from animals to humans.7About 50 million people who contracted the H1N1 flu virus died. ...