everything must be contained in everything, but in the form of infinitely small parts. In the beginning, all of these particles had existed in an even mixture, in which nothing could be distinguished, much like theindefiniteapeironof Anaximander. But thennous, or...
Hence the modern use of “epicurean” to mean gourmand. But Epicurus was no debauched hedonist. He thought the greatest pleasure was ataraxia: a state of tranquility in which we are free from anxiety. This raises the suspicion of false advertising – freedom from anxiety may be nice, but ...
Clark writes as if no one could seriously believe that insentient matter can think and feel (Clark, 154), and that Lucretius was no exception; in fact Lucretius believed and taught the opposite view, following both Epicurus and Democritus before him, and anticipating many modern philosophers of...
Epicureanism posed a unique challenge to dominant belief systems in the Renaissance, because of its attacks on Providence, divine action, planned creation, prayer, and the immortality of the soul, its atomist physics and self-sufficient materialist model of nature, its account of natural selection,...