τινας is a plural, indefinate, accusative pronoun, so it should have to be "them", right? I'm also assuming that "them" is the recipient of the action in this sentence. διατραπήσεσθαί is the action, and ugh ... I wish we had more examples. So, ...
the unfortunate slaves supposed that he had either perished in the Nile or fallen a victim to some of the pirates who infested it at that time; so they came home to report his disappearance. Then followed the oracle, the sentence, and finally the young man’s return with the story of hi...
Thus, Genséric notes to Thrasimund:“Je sais qu’il est cruel, mais quoi qu’il enpuisse être / Dans mes États, enfin, je veux être le maître”(I know it’s cruel, butThe termraison d’Étatis used in the play to describe Hunéric’s deceptive conduct (Deshou-liè...
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