StoicismArt of LivingPreconceptionsThis paper explores what Epictetus thinks we need to learn in order to acquire the art of living, and, in doing so, illuminates the central tenets of Epictetus' epistemology. It argues that we need to have cognition of preconceptions – innate, self-evident,...
Stoicism philosophy is on the rise. I have been practicing it for a couple of years now and would like to share 3 of the most effective and practical mental exercise/meditations that I have used. Method One: A view from above ‘You can rid yourself of many useless things among those tha...
(2) Another ob- of all aspects of the organization of the cosmos, including a great jectio n to the Stoic view is that, given their position on what the deal of physics and also logic (it is possible that Cleanthes stressed ideal state is for a human being, they had to regard all ...