Define epicenters. epicenters synonyms, epicenters pronunciation, epicenters translation, English dictionary definition of epicenters. or n 1. Also called: epicentrum the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake or undergrou
Define epicenter. epicenter synonyms, epicenter pronunciation, epicenter translation, English dictionary definition of epicenter. n. 1. The point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. 2. The focal point of a usually harmful or
Although the definition of an instrumental epicenter is well established in the literature (seeRichter, 1958, for example), the same is not true of a macroseismic epicenter. This is mainly due to a typical lack of standardization in macroseismic studies, and to the widely shared opinion that ...
The technique produces greater definition of the trends of the relocated epicenters; however, in this situation an additional shift of the epicenters is required for alignment with the boundaries.doi:10.1016/0031-9201(92)90115-CD.J. Bebel
Definition Thehypocenterof an earthquake is the subsurface location at which energy stored along a locked fault is first released. Theepicenteris that location at the surface, which is closest to the hypocenter. During an earthquake, rupture propagates from the hypocenter to both sides along the ...
Define Epicenterd. Epicenterd synonyms, Epicenterd pronunciation, Epicenterd translation, English dictionary definition of Epicenterd. n. 1. The point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. 2. The focal point of a usually harmf