这通常是在同一密码与安全设置页面的下方,你会看到一个“启用双重验证”(Enable Two-Factor Authentication)或类似表述的选项。选择“通过电子邮件”(Email)作为验证方式,按照提示操作,Epic会向你的注册邮箱发送一个验证码。输入收到的验证码后,电子邮件验证即被激活。这意味着,未来每次登录Epic账户时,除了密码...
Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)Two-Factor authentication allows you to require a code from a device you own before you can login, this makes it much more difficult for someone to gain unauthorized access. We currently support email, SMS and app based 2FA. Get protected now....
在安全选项中,找到“双重认证”或类似命名的设置。选择启用,并按照指示完成设置过程,通常包括绑定手机和/或电子邮件地址,以及生成备份代码。启用后,每次登录时系统都会要求您提供额外的验证信息。 在当今数字时代,网络安全变得日益重要,尤其是对于拥有大量用户数据的在线平台如Epic Games,双重认证(TwoFactor Authentication,...
如果玩家还没有领取Epic商城本周免费赠送的《为了国王(For The King)》,那么你现在要领取本作需要多花点的功夫。从发稿(4月29日)起一直到5月21日,若想在Epic商城免费领取游戏,玩家需要通过两步身份认证(two-factor authentication)。 这意味着,玩家需要在账号中开启“两步身份认证”,没有开启或未设定认证的玩家,...
Duo integrates with Epic Hyperdrive and Hyperspace to add two-factor authentication to Epic e-Prescription workflows.
如果玩家还没有领取Epic商城本周免费赠送的《为了国王(ForTheKing)》,那么你现在要领取本作需要多花点的功夫。从发稿(4月29日)起一直到5月21日,若想在Epic商城免费领取游戏,玩家需要通过两步身份认证(two-factorauthentication)。 这意味着,玩家需要在账号中开启“两步身份认证”,没有开启或未设定认证的玩家,在领...
To see all our 2FA methods, please see this article: Two-factor authentication (2FA) and how to enable it.
Two-factor Authentication: Everything you need to know Should you enable two-factor authentication on your Fortnite account? In short:yes.Even if you don'tthinksomeone could possibly get your password, just do it. There are all sorts of phishing scams and schemes out there designed to get ...
Which is worse? Tapping a button to get a code to access a transaction, or losing all of the games you’ve claimed and/or purchased on your account? To me, the answer is straightforward, and though two factor authentication is a little fiddly at times, it’ll safeguard your games a...
Two-factor authentication (2FA) and how to enable it "This Epic Account was previously linked to a different external account" error How to redeem a V-Bucks card CONTACT US Back to top