The Cidonia Labyrinth will not be a Labyrinth in the format of a raid, but instead a one-time exploration-based Labyrinth that will be unlocked after clearing Episode 2. The story follows the Cidonian Alliance's ruin explorations after the fall of Straze, and is slated to be introduced to...
As a F2P player i am able to get new and good heroes often due to simple and fast daily tasks to earn items and in-game currency and many free events. There is nothing earned when offline so pop in when you can and do a couple of tasks as you multitask. Simple battles can be ...
skills allows players to acquire souls, which lets players summon powerful guardians or use the Soul Burn mechanic to boost their character attacks. The game also features a sanctuary which generates currency, a summoning feature that allows re-rolls, map exploration, character equipment, and more....
For human time spent, hunts would be the fastest way to farm gold. (Or literally buying gold, but will not go there.) Labyrinth:Look for little regions that stick out, go there for gold chests. Goal is to find them and push towards exit asap. Feel free to auto battle lab runs until...
● Raid Labyrinth In the depths of the Labyrinth, an ancient queen awakens from her slumber. Embark on a monster hunt with incredible rewards. ● PvP Arena Who will achieve fame and victory in the Arena? Showcase your unique strategy to the world every season!
● Raid Labyrinth In the depths of the Labyrinth, an ancient queen awakens from her slumber. Embark on a monster hunt with incredible rewards. ● PvP Arena Who will achieve fame and victory in the Arena? Showcase your unique strategy to the world every season!