如果孩子喜欢恐龙,这周想要给孩子找几本难度适合他的绘本/音频/视频,做个拓展阅读,就可以在搜索框输入“dinosaur”进行搜索,或者在搜索页选择“dinosaur”主题: 搜索结果出来后,根据书籍阅读难度(Reading Level)、适合年龄(Min Age / Max Age)和单本推荐阅读时间(length)等标签在结果中进行二次筛选,点击封面看看具体...
95% of Epic parents say Epic helped improve their child’s reading skills. FOR EDUCATORS: EPIC SCHOOL Epic School is free for educators and students to use during the school day. ELA Tools: Filter titles by AR, DRA, F&P, grade level and more. ...
King Legacy is a fun game on Roblox with an interesting mix of battle and fruits! It has over 40 physical fruits and the level cap is 4800. The game also has several codes for players which they can redeem to receive exclusive rewards such as Candies, Exp, Gems and more. […] ...
增加了可变精度法线;用于在汽车上实现高品质反射。 新增"最大世界位置偏移置换(Max World Position Offset Displacement)"设置,用于修复游戏对象在同时使用世界位置偏移(World Position Offset)和Nanite时产生的瑕疵。 现可通过视口视图模式中的可视化(Visualize)> 越界像素(Out of Bounds Pixels)查看WPO在何处...
Level up your game with neoprene mats! SEE ALL MATS At last, the long-awaited horror of Cthulhu is coming to Tiny Epic! PRE ORDER TODAY Coming November 2024 Give into the Madness Tiny Epic Game of Thrones COMPETE for the Iron Throne or COOPERATE against the Night King - Limited-Action Di...
For example, Scarlet Witch prefers deep conversations, meditating, and reading by the fire. She also loves the X-Men #4 comic, since that’s the first time that the group squared off against the Brotherhood of Mutants, as well as Music Box (On the Slopes of Wundagore) ...
dumping active sounds can clarify whether it is an issue of a sound not being played or if the sound is playing at an inaudibly low level. Similarly, it can help distinguish between loud sounds that are the result of volume modifiers set to unreasonable volumes, and loud sounds that are ...
Think water cooler discussions rather than shouting into the void, in which you're mainly just reading and responding to the posts of people that you're following. User Manual - Keyboard navigation - Project Goals - Commandline interface - Customizations - Software Architecture - Code of Conduct...
After over a year in maintenance mode, the official Unreal Engine Wiki is now permanently offline. These resources now live on a new community-run Unreal Engine Community Wiki — https://unrealcommunity.wiki/! You will b…
Reading the unique serial number also provides the ability to configure the DS to assign gamepads to a certain position by default (so no need to do start+a/b at all). The LED ring on the Xbox360 gamepad and the RGB LED bar on the PS4 gamepad is used to indicate the driver positio...