>我来写笔记 >The Epic of Gilgamesh 作者:Anonymous 副标题:A New Translation isbn:0140447210 书名:The Epic of Gilgamesh 页数:228 译者:Andrew George 定价:USD 9.00 原作名:Andrew George 出版社:Penguin Books 出版年:1999 装帧:Mass Market Paperback...
《吉尔伽美什史诗》(The Epic of Gilgamesh)是目前已知世界最古老的英雄叙事史诗。在四千多年前苏美尔人的(Sumerian)史诗集基础上,经过千百年的加工提炼,终于在古巴比伦王国时期,形成了用阿卡德语写成的《吉尔伽美什史诗》,写在12块楔形文字泥板上,总约3500行。还有许多其他语言的版本被发现了,如赫梯语、胡里语和...
Thereafter a series of interactions with humans and human ways bring him closer to civilization, culminating in a wrestling match with Gilgamesh, king of . Enkidu embodies the wild or natural world, and though equal to Gilgamesh in strength and bearing, acts in some ways as an antithesis to ...
猎人便动身去找[吉尔伽美什]。 他启程,到了乌鲁克: “[ ]吉尔伽美什![ 有个人妖[来自山里]。【吉尔伽美什什么美女美男都见过就是没见过人妖!上钩了!】 普天之下(数)他强悍, [他力气之大]可与阿努的精灵相比。 他[总是]在山里游逛, 他总是和野兽一同[吃草], ...
Epic of Gilgamesh, ancient Mesopotamian odyssey recorded in the Akkadian language about Gilgamesh, the king of the Mesopotamian city-state Uruk (Erech). The fullest extant text of the Gilgamesh epic is on 12 incomplete Akkadian-language tablets found in
Learn about the ''Epic of Gilgamesh''. Discover the story, characters, and themes in the ''Epic of Gilgamesh'', and see its importance for other...
故事及记载见于《吉尔伽美什史诗》(Epic of Gilgamesh),为古代阿卡德语重要文学作品。在古尼尼微城内亚述国王亚述巴 … www.jbtalks.cc|基于95个网页 2. 基尔加梅修史诗 故事及记载见于《基尔加梅修史诗》(Epic of Gilgamesh),为古代阿卡德语重要文学作品。在古尼尼微城内亚述国王亚述巴 … ...
Section 6(2) of the Ordinance provides that where a person fails to pay the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence specified in the notice given under section 3(1) within the time specified or refuses to accept the notice, the specified Authority shall serve on the person a notice in the...