Epics aretimeboxed—meaning they have a goal start and end date. Throughburndown chartsand reporting visuals, you can use an epic to track the overall progress of the project. Reduce scope creep When you develop yourproject plan, you’ll determine thescope of workand anydeliverables. But Agi...
Agile is a philosophy and as such is implemented with vary degrees of rigidity. I teach JIRA classes to many students who use Agile. To date I have not found 2 companies that use Agile in the same way. JIRA is a software that attempts to facilitate the Agile philosophy. As such, JIRA ...
If there’s just one overloaded group in your environment, and the projects in the Pipeline are blue and green (meaning there’s enough buffer time), in just a couple of months, there will be at least a couple of overloaded groups and missed milestones. Imagine what can happen in half ...
Need expert advice?Let us know, we're here to help youGET ADVICE NOW About SelectHub (and our data) We’re the employee-owned Austin-based startup democratizing software data so you can make your decisions in an influence-free zone. Our market data is crowdsourced from our user-base of...
The red colorshows an inappropriate resource for the assignment, meaning that this employee doesn’t have the necessary competence. The blue colorshows overqualified resources: the ones whose competence level is too high for the assignment.
“Yes, that girl’s got gumption, especially after what happened,” Annie said with meaning. Amos had started to speak but Lindsay was only half listening. He was saying something about the camaraderie that had saved a small dog from the jaws of death. When he asked everyone to raise thei...
One of the biggest benefits is each vulnerability occurrence will now have a unique URL, meaning a vulnerability can be directly linked to, shared, referenced, and tracked as the Single Source of Truth. On this page, you can change the status of a vulnerability to Detected, Confirmed, Dismiss...
Easter eggs with meaning Each environment (each Chronoverse, to use Rivals’ in-game vernacular) is meticulously designed with destruction in mind, but you also have to admire NetEase’s attention to detail—the obvious care taken to ensure they match the stories being told. “In ...
Epics are timeboxed—meaning they have a goal start and end date. Through burndown charts and reporting visuals, you can use an epic to track the overall progress of the project. Reduce scope creep When you develop your project plan, you’ll determine the scope of work and any deliverable...
Epics are timeboxed—meaning they have a goal start and end date. Through burndown charts and reporting visuals, you can use an epic to track the overall progress of the project. Reduce scope creep When you develop your project plan, you’ll determine the scope of work and any deliverable...