Epic Systems, also known simply as Epic, isone of the largest providers of health information technology, used primarily by large U.S. hospitals and health systems to access, organize, store and share electronic medical records. As of 2024, Epic remains one of the largest electronic health rec...
Behavioral Health: Netsmart Netsmart dominates behavioral health with its comprehensive care coordination tools, scoring 9.7 out of 10 and achieving a 97% client experience rating for exceeding expectations in streamlining workflows. Cardiology: Epic Systems Epic Systems' cardiology module stands out for...
The move comes as Google is facing criticism from privacy advocates about its work with Ascension, one of the largest U.S. health systems. The news broke that a small number of Google employees had access to Ascension patients' protected health information after the two organizations signed a d...
前Epic员工、现任健康IT咨询公司HTD Health数据共享业务负责人布伦丹·基勒(Brendan Keeler)告诉我们,Epic和Oracle之间的真正区别在于它们对待希望访问底层数据库基础设施的应用开发者的方式不同。基勒在“Health API Guy”博客中讨论这些问题时表示,Oracle为开发者提供了一个更为自由的沙盒环境。而Epic则对知识产权有着极...
With the help of these systems, you can keep your family healthy all year round by removing harmful particles from the air. Not only do these systems offer immediate relief for those with allergies or respiratory issues, but they also provide long-term solutions that promote better health ...
Lumens is the reporting module for endoscopy. It provides tools for viewing and managing endoscopy images sent to Epic by external endoscopy systems. Healthy Planet Link EpicCare Link enables outside health organizations to log into a web-based portal to see patient information from the Epic system...
【内容摘要】Epic Systems要求法院驳回Particle Health对其提起的反垄断诉讼,称其没有足够证据支持其主张。Particle Health声称Epic利用市场支配地位扼杀竞争,但Epic认为该诉讼缺乏明确定义的反垄断产品市场和合理的反竞争行为指控。Epic Systems, a...
Epic Systems, the health-care software giant whose technology is used in thousands of hospitals and clinics across the country, said on Friday that it's planning on moving all of its customers to a new government-backed medical records exchange by the end of next year. ...
她曾在受访时说到: “我喜欢我的工作,只要我效率高,能为工作带来价值,我就愿意一直干下去。” 参考链接: 《The Billionaire Who Controls Your Medical Records》 Epic的产品模块:https://healthcareitskills.com/epic-systems-modules/ 《Epic vs. Cerner vs. Allscripts vs. Meditech:12 个关键比较》...
Epic的产品模块:https://healthcareitskills.com/epic-systems-modules/ 《Epic vs. Cerner vs. Allscripts vs. Meditech:12 个关键比较》 近 期 推 荐 声明:动脉网所刊载内容之知识产权为动脉网及相关权利人专属所有或持有。未经许可,禁止进行转载、摘编、复制及建立镜像等任何使用。