If your Support-A-Creator 1.0 payee information is currently incomplete, you will be prompted to complete your payee information. If you do not complete this information within 60 days after accepting the new Creator Agreement, you will be exited from the program. Note:If you do NOT want to ...
借助Support-A-Creator 计划,开发者可以选择与为游戏流的影响者共享部分收入。工作室可以向影响者提供特殊的 Epic Games Store 链接,而影响者可以引导粉丝通过该链接购买游戏。 如果有粉丝是点击特定链接购买的游戏,那么 Epic 会向该影响者支付 5% 的提成。 但这一模式不会一直持续下去,Epic 最终会将把这个权限移交...
Follow these links below to activate your Payout portal account so you can receive Support-A-Creator rewards and competitive prizes. * Tax
借助Support-A-Creator 计划,开发者可以选择与为游戏流的影响者共享部分收入。工作室可以向影响者提供特殊的 Epic Games Store 链接,而影响者可以引导粉丝通过该链接购买游戏。 如果有粉丝是点击特定链接购买的游戏,那么 Epic 会向该影响者支付 5% 的提成。 但这一模式不会一直持续下去,Epic 最终会将把这个权限移交...
YouTube content creators, Twitch streamers, bloggers, and others are at the leading edge of game discovery. The 10,000-strong Epic Games Support-A-Creator program helps you reach creators, so they can help you reach players. If you opt to participate, creators who refer players to buy your...
由知名游戏制作公司 Epic Games 举办的“Support-A-Creator”(”支持创作者”)活动已经成为其增强《堡垒之夜》的游戏玩家粘性的有效方式。这次活动于 2018 年 10 月 8 日开始,截止日为 2018 年 12 月 31 日,为《堡垒之夜》的内容创作者和流媒体播客提... 网页链接
Epic Games, Inc. 的总部位于北卡罗来纳州卡瑞市。我们和我们的子公司在世界各地都有办事处和业务,帮助创造和提供您最喜欢的一些产品和服务,包括 Fortnite(《堡垒之夜》)等游戏及虚幻引擎等开发工具(见下文“我们的全球业务”)。 本隐私政策描述了我们在 Epic 服务上、通过 Epic 服务或就 Epic 服务收集、使用和...
Do I need to remove the Support-A-Creator device or my Support-A-Creator code from my island? We've removed all Support-A-Creator devices automatically. You don't have to take action to remove it, but should consider adjusting your islands accordingly. ...
Today Epic announced that the store has grown to 85,000,000 PC players, with its Support-A-Creator program surpassing more than 55,000 creators. Epic also revealed nearly two dozen games coming to the store, along with store performance metrics....
Look, everyone’s been spammed with the back-to-back ads forRaid: Shadow Legends. Most people have seen their favorite gaming content creator do some kind of collaboration with the game as well. 2024 is the year to try it out if you haven’t already. ...