We offer Free Games at the Epic Games Store every week! Claim and download the video game and it is yours forever. Also, see our free-to-play game communities.
We offer Free Games at the Epic Games Store every week! Claim and download the video game and it is yours forever. Also, see our free-to-play game communities.
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Download and play Dauntless for FREE at the Epic Games Store. Check for platform availability and play today!
Lisa: The Definitive Edition and Industria have been confirmed as next week’s free Epic Games Store titles. “Industria is a first-person shooter that takes you from East Berlin into a parallel reality, shortly before the end of the Cold War,” reads an official description of the game. ...
Here’s a comprehensive Epic Games Free Games that will make your day. Keep noting the names of the game that you want to add to your library. Epic Games Store releases new games after every one or two weeks. Here, you will find the Epic Games Free Games list for 2020. We have trie...
Epic的开山顶梁柱 永久独占 19年销量唯二破百万的游戏 说送就送??之前原价预购的 遇到折扣也就算了 你们这下直接送了 这才发售多久 心不得凉半截啊??活该被万人唾弃万人喷。享受到这波福利的新玩家,你们也仔细想想是不是这回事儿,你在Epic上买的游戏指不定哪天就免费送了。连销量头部都可以送,还有啥不行?
目前,Epic Games Store 的免费游戏是Aerial_Knight's Never Yield。《Aerial_Knight's Never Yield》于 2021 年首次发行,评价褒贬不一。这是一款平台游戏,玩法与无尽跑酷类似,但它有一个真实的结局和一个故事要讲。该游戏的通关时间不到两个小时,但它通过玩家挑战打破最高分提高用户粘度。
The Epic Games Store, which usually gives away one or two free titles each week, will reportedly offer 17 free games over the Christmas period. It’s ongoing Holiday Sale also includes major discounts on some of this year’s biggest games, including Alan Wake 2 for $27 / £21.50, E...