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Epic Games 钱包有家长控制功能吗? Epic 账户家长控制功能也包含 Epic Games 钱包。使用现有支付方式为钱包充值,或使用钱包金额进行消费都遵循家长控制规则,包括需要家长PIN码验证钱包支付。要了解有关Epic 账户家长控制的更多信息,请访问我们的帮助中心。 我可以使用钱包余额在游戏内进行购买吗? 可以的,钱包余额可用于...
The Epic Games Store supports credit cards, PayPal, and various alternative payment methods that are determined by region and displayed at checkout. Where is the Epic Games store available? The Epic Games Store is available to players in most countries in the world except where prohibited by US...
The Epic Games Store represents a real attempt to break Steam’s dominance, something only possible after the unprecedented success of Fortnite gave the creators at Epic Games enough money and clout to try a stunt this ambitious. The company’s name itself, Epic, raises expectations. The Epic...
games are out there, but Ride 5 stands tall among them. It doesn't just compete; it contends strongly as the best bike racing game this year. In the podium for the genre, Ride 5 revs its engine to be at the top. Whether you're a pro at motorbike games or a newbie eager to ...
An up-to-date list of what's currently being given away, and the entire history of Epic Games Store free games.
(Image credit: Epic Games) Epic Games Store launched in an extremely barebones state in 2018, but ever since, Epic Games has slowly added new functionality to the digital shopfront. Most recently, it got Achievements, and at some unspecified time in the future it'll be getting its own ...
金融界网4月14日消息,热门电子游戏《堡垒之夜》(Fortnite)的开发商Epic Games周二表示,该公司在新一轮融资中筹集了10亿美元,使公司估值升至287亿美元。 这家总部位于北卡罗来纳州卡里的公司表示,新筹集的资金中有2亿美元来自索尼,后者去年对该公司进行了初步投资。参与这轮融资的其他投资者包括Appaloosa、...
What is the refund time for Epic Games? Usually, you will get a refund in 1-7 business days on Epic Games Store to your original payment method. If you have selected the option to credit a refund into your Epic Games Wallet, it will be credited in a few minutes or hours. Related re...
Epic Games Store has launched in China. As reported byTechweb(thanks,PCGamesN), Epic “quietly unlocked” its digital PC storefront earlier this week, making almost all of its games available to purchase in mainland China. While the site does not currently accept credit cards, it does accept...