一旦创建账户,该邮箱地址将与您的全新 Epic Games 账户绑定 请通过主机登录凭证创建一个 Epic Games 账户 输入您的出生日期 请填写表格,勾选同意我们的服务条款,然后点击继续。 可选:勾选接收 Epic Games 最新消息、调查和特惠折扣。 您在步骤 1 中输入的邮箱将收到...
Visit our page:https://www.epicgames.com/id/register( Choose how you would like to sign up: Input an email that you currently have access to. This email address will be tied to your new Epic Games account once created Create an Epic Games account via the conso...
1. Email address associated with your Epic Games account 当前邮箱地址2. Current Epic Games account display name 当前epic账户的展示名3. First and last names of Epic Games account holder 当前账户持有者的姓名,这个可以在你的账户信息里查到4. External account currently connected to your Epic Games ...
in your favorite games no matter which platform you’re playing on. Make sure your account has 2FA activated for additional security across all platforms. Learn more about 2FAhere. Note, you may have an existing account from other platforms, please check before signing up for a new account!
We develop cutting-edge games and cross-platform game engine technology!
Sign in to your Epic Games account. Go to yourLibrary, choose your EA game, and clickInstall. The EA app will launch and ask you to link your Epic Games account and your EA Account. Log in to the EA app using your EA Account info, orcreate a new EA Account. ...
登陆Epic账号 https://www.epicgames.com/account/password;点击左侧的密码与安全;下拉到页面下方,就可以看到双重验证的几个选项,大家可以点击【启用短信验证】、【启用电子邮件验证】来启动双重验证 epic商店怎么退款 要请申请退款,您可以点击Epic Games商店以及启动器帮助页面上的 “联系我们”来提交退款申请。
Now, please click on the continue button to activate your Epic Games account. Xbox Please follow the below steps to activate Epic Games on Xbox: First, please open the epic game official website on your browser. A drop-down menu will show on the screen when you place your cursor on your...
GeForce NOW's new update adds new features, like an in-game overlay to Chrome. It also lays the groundwork for Epic Games account linking. By Arol Wright Apr 29, 2021 The Epic Games Store now has more than just games The Epic Games Store on Windows now carries desktop applications, ...