右键单击系统托盘图标,然后单击退出,退出 Epic Games 启动器序。 找到游戏安装的文件夹。 请注意:游戏默认安装路径为C:\Program Files\Epic Games\ 右键点击游戏文件夹,然后点击删除。 重新启动 Epic Games 启动器。 请重装游戏,尝试运行。 重新安装 Epic Games 启动器 这将会移除您所有已安装的游戏。 请参阅如何...
重启计算机。 右键点击Epic Games 启动器。 选择以管理员身份运行。 请尝试再次更新/安装游戏。 以管理员权限运行 Epic Games 启动器。 通过以管理员权限运行启动器序,确保安装不会因为权限问题而失败。 如果启动器序仍在运行,请完全关闭 Epic Games 启动器序。 右键点击 Epic Gam...
answer ! I try since yesterday but after resolve many dependencies.. I still have an error ...
id=48145 After you install the distributable file, restart your PC. If you continue to receive this error after reinstalling the file, please contact Epic Games Player Support. Trouble:SU-PQR1603 Cause: This is a Windows error that indicates a problem installing a program. In order to correct...
Open your browser and log into the Facebook account you wish to use for Epic Games login. Fixing the “Not Active” Error This step typically resolves the “Not Active” error associated with your Facebook account. Fix 4: Network Settings and Facebook Cache Clearance Over time, the accumul...
网上找的操作全都是直接打开就能变成epic games launcher安装程序,但我没法这样。 踏马长空 2-9 4 大佬有没有办法解决啊,游戏启动不了。 温水煮青蛙 下载堡垒之夜之后一直显示游戏运行中不出来游戏页面,游戏重新下载3次了,文件没有中文名,epic平台也重新安装了一次没有一点用,怎么各位大佬怎么解决啊 下头...
An Unexpected Error has occurred. #2 Next EA Post ↓ September 2022 Options EA_Darko Community Manager Hey @KillerKT_96 we can raise this as a bug report but would not be able to do anything else in relation to this.Changing regions can have a number of impacts on your games or me...
启动说明 1.启动Epic Games Store,转到您的个人资料。 2-将“Hello Mod Kit”添加到库中(不要下载) 3.通过Launcher.exe启动游戏 中文设置 Options-Gameplay-Language-简体中文-完成 链接:网页链接 分享回复赞 epic吧 LDBX灬coo 早买早享受,尽量别预购看到一则 {索尼迫使PC端 《盐与祭献》 调整价格} 的新闻:...
Describe the bug Some of my Epic games have 404 error when I click the "Store Page" on their Tools tab. However, I can view these games' pages without issue when I search directly in Epic game store. For instance, here are some I tested:...
Tower of Games (probably many more) As you can see, you may also get a varied colour scheme too. The 2 buildings on the left are silver/gold. The 2 buildings on the right are gold/gold. I do have a duplicate of the 4th building, which is silver. It seems that the level of the...