然后重启登陆新账号。 方法二:直接启用管理员账户,如下图所示,取消勾选“账户已禁用”,然后注销当前账户可以直接登录Administrator账户,同时以后不存在赋权操作。(不推荐) 千万不要直接修改用户名文件夹,会导致很多未知的问题!!!
Epic Games 有着账户层面上的家长控制功能,能帮助家长管理其孩子对 Epic 全部旗下产品的使用。虽然这些控制选项尚不能通过 iPhone,iPad 及 Android 版Epic游戏商城进行更改,但我们计划在日后加入该功能。欲知更多有关家长控制的信息,包括如何将其启用,请访问我们的家长控制指南:https://safety.epicgames.com/parental...
How do I install the Epic Games Store for iPhone, iPad and Android? Will my existing Epic Games accounts work on the mobile store? Are there exclusive games available on the Epic Games Store for iPhone, iPad and Android? Will third-party games be available on the Epic Games Store for iPh...
The Epic Games Store is on mobile Get Fortnite, Fall Guys and Rocket League Sideswipe on mobile now! Available on Android worldwide and iPhone/iPad in the European Union. More games and apps coming soon! Learn more about mobile Guide ...
取得Epic Games Store 免費 免費贈禮 立即在 Epic Games Store 行動應用程式上免費取得《STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™》以及《STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™》。 優惠至 2025 年 3 月 20 日止。
(赋予该账号管理员权限,注意此处User和上述命令中的名字保持一致)(按下Enter键) 然后重启登陆新账号。 方法二:直接启用管理员账户,如下图所示,取消勾选“账户已禁用”,然后注销当前账户可以直接登录Administrator账户,同时以后不存在赋权操作。(不推荐) 千万不要直接修改用户名文件夹,会导致很多未知的问题!!!
Thanks for all the advice in this thread for using Heroic to get Epic games going on mac! It...
This mod manager can install most mods into the latest version of the game - be it the one from Steam or Epic Games - regardless of which version they were originally made for.当浏览《古墓丽影崛起》模组时,您会立即收到以下警告:“这个mod在Epic Games版本上不起作用”“此mod仅适用于Steam 813...
While you can install the Epic Games Launcher on the Steam Deck, I recommend usingHeroic Games Launcher, which is basically a community-made version of the Epic Games Store that runs natively on Linux. Fortunately, it's extremely easy to install it on the Steam Deck. For this, it's best...
在Epic Games Store上发行的游戏不需要整合EOS服务再分发文件,因为这已经包含在Epic Games启动程序中。 社交覆层、游戏内购(桌面版),以及Epic账号登录体验,都是通过游戏专用的EOS SDK集成功能提供,使用了单独发布给玩家的游戏内覆层。为了发行覆层技术组件,我们为游戏了提供单独的EOS服务Redistributable,能作为游戏安装先...