对于运行macOS的Apple Silicon M2设备,虚幻引擎5.3引入了Nanite渲染技术测试版支持。配合着色器模型SM6,该支持在可从Epic Games启动程序下载的UE macOS二进制文件中默认启用,而试验性5.2支持仅在从GitHub源文件编译时可用。 角色和动画 运行时和非线性过场动画的动态工作流程 此版本着重优化了运行时工作流程和...
I myself started learning both Unreal and C++ not much longer than a year ago. Since then, I have read more than a few books about making games with Unreal and watched my fair share of tutorials. Despite my depth of knowledge being nowhere near some other tutorial posters you may...
I know very little about Linux line commands, so what I was watching had little meaning. The first part of the video was just instructions for initializing the test Trezor and downgrading the firmware to version 1.4.0 so I could practice on my second Trezor. The actual instructions...