近日,在Reddit论坛上有一个用户分享了一张他自己的电子设备库截图,展示了他通过Epic游戏商店获取到的203款免费游戏。这名玩家声称自己从没在这家商店消费过任何金钱,但却收集了一些知名的大制作游戏,例如《瘟疫传说:无罪》和《木卫四协议》等作品。此外他还领取到了《风火轮:释放》和《幽灵行者2》等游戏。 这位玩...
So, in this paragraph, These were some of the Epic Games Free Games 2020. You can also get a detailed list and info on these Epic Games Free Games on Reddit. Therefore, Such games have always been appreciated by the players. Not just because they are free, but because they are fun to...
近日,一位 Epic Games 商店的用户分享了他多年来获取免费游戏收藏,并声称自己从未在该商店花过钱。 Reddit用户“Sea-Country8245”晒图分享了自己的游戏库,里面有 203 款多年来免费领取的游戏。这位玩家表示,自己从未在该商店花过钱,但却收集到了一些颇有名气的 3A 级别游戏,比如瘟疫传说:无罪和木卫四协议。从...
The Epic Games Store will gift its users another set of daily free games as 2021 ends, a recent leak suggests. Shenmue 3 will reportedly lead the lengthy list that is said to feature “at least 14 games.” The storefront did a similar thing last year, when it gave its users titles ...
欢迎来到您的新 斯凱斯特德! 目前它看起来有点磨损,但这不是你和你的魔法骗子无法修复的。 从漂浮在天空之上的荒凉岩石开始,你的任务就是让你的天空家园恢复生机! 花园、牧场,并将您的土地改造为充满生机的避难所! 结交新朋友 不久之后,您为重振 斯凱斯特德 所做的努力就会被注意到。 友好的生物将开始出现!
Epic Games Store sales will bring a steady stream of discounts throughout 2024, as the storefront has safely secured a spot in the gaming landscape, providing some much-needed competition to Valve and Steam. It’s always good to plan ahead when bolstering our endless backlogs, especially ...
游戏葡萄3月15日消息,近日Reddit上有用户发现,Epic Games Store会读取用户的Steam信息,包括用户基本信息(用户名、头像等)、好友列表和本地存档等文件并加密在Epic Games Store的本地文件中,即使用户并没有开启Epic Games Store的相关功能。(上图为Reddit相关帖子里,用户分享的Epic Games平台启动时会读取的部分...
The Coalition for App Fairness with Epic Games at its head has commissioned a pair of polls showing that the majority of respondents want App Store competition and antitrust legislation.
藉由這些額外活動為你的《Democracy 4》體驗錦上添花,使遊戲更為精彩。你能持續控制國家並獲得選民的敬重嗎?或者你的任期會隨著一連串悲劇性的事件被迫中止? 類型 戰略模擬獨立製作 特色 單人 《Democracy 4》Event Pack 《Democracy 4》Event Pack 為遊戲增添了 45 種事件。
If you are having issues playing Fortnight via Epic Games, you can report in-game problems at Fortnight or through their social media platforms like Reddit, Twitter, or Discord. Check How do I merge my Fortnite (Epic Games) accounts? To merge Fortnite accounts, visit the Epic Games website...