Command-Line Argumentsare strings of keywords that you can pass when running the executable via the command line or a shortcut to the executable. Their purpose is to customize the manner in which the engine runs to suit the needs of the developer or user. This can be as simple as causing...
命令行参数(Command Line Arguments)你可在此处指定将传递给独立游戏实例的附加命令行选项。 多人游戏窗口大小(以像素为单位)(Multiplayer Window Size (in pixels))定义生成额外独立游戏实例时所采用的宽度/高度。 监听服务器与专用服务器 启动多人游戏时,游戏托管方式有两种。第一种方式是使用监...
测试多人游戏 本页介绍了如何更改编辑器的某些设置,以测试不同的多人场景。 设置玩家数量 增加玩家数量 单击Play按钮旁的下箭头,然后输入Number of Players的值。 默认情况下,服务器将使用Selected Viewport作为游戏窗口,并为添加的每位玩家创建新窗口。 调整游戏窗口 您完全可以使用编辑器的视口作为游戏窗口,但为了清...
Then right-click the Epic Games app and navigate to Properties to change the path to this shortcut. Go to the Shortcut tab and in the Target field add -OpenGL to the end of the path to the executable file. For example, you can give this kind of path: C: \ Program Files (x86) \...
Remove any command line arguments you may have from the launcher desktop shortcut's target line. Right click on the Epic Games Launcher desktop shortcut. SelectProperties. Under the Shortcut tab, the field labeledTargetshould have a path that looks something like...
Offline game launching. (only works on some games) Usage This is designed to be run from the command line, but you can drag and drop a game's primary executable onto it and it should work. For Fortnite, the game's primary executable is always FortniteLauncher.exe ...
“At a bare minimum, video games appear to require some level of interactivity or involvement between the player and the medium. In other words, a game requires that a player be able to input some level of a command or choice which is then reflected in the ga...
We covered a lot of ground in our conversation, including whyFortniteisn’t coming to VR anytime soon, why he thinks it’s a lost cause to build a new mobile platform, and the revelation that Epic last year submitted an iOS version of its games store for PCs and consoles tha...
The following launch arguments must be specified when launching an Unreal Engine application that uses Pixel Streaming:\ Command Line ArgumentDescription -PixelStreamingIP=<value>or<domain>Specifies the IP address or domain name of the computer running the Signalling and Web Server. ...
Epic and Apple's arguments What it all means What happens to Fortnite? Last year, Epic Games intentionally broke Apple's rules by putting its own payment processing system in the iPhone version of Fortnite, bypassing Apple's 30% fee and giving players a V-bucks discount. Apple responde...