[UOD2021]MetaSounds :虚幻引擎5次世代音效系统 | Epic Games Aaron McLeran(官方字幕) 虚幻引擎官方 2911 4 虚幻引擎5 ! HDRI 幻想天空资源包! CG小苏 1325 0 [英文直播]通过“Stack-O-Bot”项目探索UE功能(官方字幕) 虚幻引擎官方 2385 2 [技巧分享]使用自定义深度缓存创建遮罩 | Creating masks with...
进游戏提示 easyanti_cheat未安装 求大神指教怎么弄 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2021-12-30 16:15回复 荒野大猫咪 初一年级 10 反作弊程序。百度一下,epic有个路径可能找到这个exe文件,安装 来自Android客户端2楼2021-12-30 16:22 收起回复 登录...
Epic宣布Easy Anti-Cheat(EAC反作弊)今年早些时候免费提供给开发人员,现在将支持扩展到Linux和Mac,包括wine和Proton兼容层的支持,这也意味着Steam Deck运行像《Apex英雄》等采用了EAC反作弊的游戏将无障碍顺利运行。此前V社表示过Steam Deck可以运行steam库中的所有游戏,但在运行一些牵扯到反作弊的多人游戏时遇到了...
Epic今天宣布了其在线服务的两项重大更新:免费开放Easy Anti-Cheat(以下简称EAC)反作弊系统和跨平台语音聊天系统。 Epic于2018年收购了EAC反作弊系统,目前这项反作弊系统已经在多款游戏中应用,包括《APEX英雄》、《黎明杀机》、《骑士精神2》等游戏。 Epic的跨平台语音聊天系统使用的是与《堡垒之夜》跨平台语音聊天...
[Epic在线服务]轻松反作弊 | Epic Online Services 'Easy Anti-Cheat' -Protect PC Game...2021-06-26 11:37:59 举报 0 分享至 0:00 / 0:00 速度 洗脑循环 Error: Hls is not supported. 视频加载失败网易新闻 iOS Android 猜你喜欢 俄罗斯萨尔玛特的失败螺旋是怎么来的 造航空发动机的金属-铼 ...
19 Comments on Epic Games Announces Linux Support for Easy Anti-Cheat #1 Darmok N Jalad Curious if Bungee will get on board. I believe attempting to run Destiny 2 through Proton will get you banned, and I believe it's all just tied up in whatever Anti-cheat they use. Nice to see ...
Easy Anti-Cheat Watch the Easy Anti-Cheat launch trailer here: joined the Epic family in 2018, is a well-established brand with nearly a decade of experience servicing over a hundred online PC games worldwide. https://dev.epicgames.com/services...
Epic确认:《Apex》黑客入侵与小蓝熊反作弊软件无关 此前我们曾报道,在3月17日的《Apex英雄》ALGS比赛中,有黑客入侵了服务器并强行给选手装上了外挂,令玩家们直呼离谱。今日,Epic官方发文称,他们调查后确认,本次黑客入侵与反作弊软件Easy Anti-Cheat无关,并表示没有RCE漏洞被利用。Verge的主编Tom Warren指出...
These errors may occur if BattlEye or Easy Anti-Cheat do not start properly. To solve the error, adjust the properties of these two service
Epic Games, the firm that created Fortnite, has acquired Kamu, a company that specializes in player management and security, for an undisclosed sum. Helsinki-based Kamu was founded in 2013 and makes Easy Anti-Cheat, a suite of player services that includes multi-player game management and ...