1.从主机的商城中下载并启动 《Dauntless》。2.在标题屏幕,选择 激活账户3.按照屏幕上的提示,将您的Xbox Live或PlayStation Network账户关联至您的Epic Games账户。(如果您的账户已经相互关联,则应可以自动连接。)4.在下一个屏幕,选择 立即关联。警告:请勿跳过此步骤。这是您关联账户的最后一次机会。5.按照屏幕上...
Dauntless DLC 與附加內容 CN¥199 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 CN¥39 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 CN¥199 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 追蹤我們 Epic 玩家評分 擷取自 Epic Games 生態系的玩家。 這款遊戲具有 範圍廣泛的角色自訂選項 這款遊戲有 ...
What Dauntless lacks in layered complexity it makes up for with tightly crafted combat and rewarding progression, proving you don't need to cram every possible feature into a game for it to be great. DualShockers by Jordan Boyd 9 / 10 ...
How do I log in to Dauntless right now? For now, you can continue to log in and play through the existingDauntlesspatcher. I have an Epic Account and a Dauntless account. How do I combine them? In the weeks leading up to our console and Epic Games store launches, you will be able ...
Dauntless 12c4279862ab4460a25c2e9fa535fb7e xFDfsyBHWvYWYvFZLhuyjjhF4UDPFT6k ✅ ✅ prod-jackal None authorization_code, client_credentials, device_auth, device_code, exchange_code, external_auth, refresh_token basic_profile, country, friends_list, presence Achievements, AntiCheat, Ecom, Voic...
Voice and Easy Anti-Cheat are new tools that developers can use to connect players with in-game voice chat and to protect PC games against cheating. LEARN MORE Dauntless | Pheonix Labs Why cross-play matters Cross-play is quickly becoming an industry standard, encouraging play and opening up ...
Dauntless 12c4279862ab4460a25c2e9fa535fb7e xFDfsyBHWvYWYvFZLhuyjjhF4UDPFT6k ✅ ✅ prod-jackal None authorization_code, client_credentials, device_auth, device_code, exchange_code, external_auth, refresh_token basic_profile, country, friends_list, presence Achievements, AntiCheat, Ecom, Voic...
(https://store.epicgames.com/zh-CN/)同时需要开启加速,点击右上角获取【Epic Game】,然后选择正确的路径下载 下载完成后,按照提示进行安装 方法二: 奇游内直接下载客户端,然后安装即可 +1 分享回复1 风之旅人吧 温深释 【换回国区教程】EPIC已交易账户的换区教程从目前咱们看到的状态来看,外区似乎匹配概率...
废话不说了,先直接上干货,自己直接去EPIC官网https://www.epicgames.com/store/zh-CN/,点击右上角获取客户端按钮下载最新客户端,然后找到自己原先的安装路径EPIC GAMES文件夹覆盖安装,就这么简单。 原因:个人觉得是EPIC客户端内部更新程序有点问题。已经两次了,只要EPIC界面有个蓝色小点提示有新更新,然后就开始卡...