Epic is also bringing back its reusable coupons and the discount has been bumped up to 33% off eligible purchases. This applies to both regular and discounted prices, potentially making some games cheaper than on other platforms. Remember, the coupon applies automatically and renews each time yo...
Apple has described "Fortnite" developer Epic Games as a Goliath whose Australia case is not aimed at helping local developers, but is rather a "self-serving" attempt to change theApp Store. In the latest stage of thelong-running disputebetween Epic Games and Apple,Australia's federal court...
While the long-running Epic Games vs Apple legal battleappeared to endin mid-January 2024, the "Fortnite" maker has filed a new notice of non-compliance and said it intends to pursue a motion of contempt of court. Epic's complaint is similar toits accusationof "malicious complian...
https://www.reddit.com/user/UnrealVerseGuru/ https://www.reddit.com/r/VerseUnreal/ https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCreative/ Tracking UEFN versions - https://github.com/Mast3rGamers/UEFN-releases https://github.com/Tevtongermany/UEFN-Assets-Gallery/wiki Giant information repository (JA)...
In a new brief, Apple declares that Epic Games lost the Epic v. Apple trial because it failed to prove wrongdoing — and not because of any legal errors on the judge's part. On Thursday, the Cupertino tech giant filed a Principal and Response Brief with the Ninth Circ...
Reddit Bluesky Last updated 3 years agoAs part of its opening arguments, Apple says that its policies protect the privacy, security, and quality of the App Store, and claims that Epic sued only because it no longer wanted to pay Apple's commissions. The Apple v. Epic Games trial...
The Coalition for App Fairness with Epic Games at its head has commissioned a pair of polls showing that the majority of respondents want App Store competition and antitrust legislation.
No scheduled time has been announced, but the court's docket has Epic Games versus Apple as its fifth case of the day. The format for the appeals court sees each side being given 20 minutes to make their case. According toFOSS Patents, it's possible that other interested parties may ...
For three years, we've been hearing about Epic Games' fight with both Apple and Google over how App Stores operate, with the decisions going in wildly different directions in each case. Let's look at why.
Epic Games on Monday said Apple is threatening to terminate its developer account, a move that would cut it off from iOS and macOS development tools. Epic informed the public of the upcoming termination over Twitter, stating that it is requesting a temporary restraining order to prevent ...