其他品牌或产品名称是其各自所有者的商标。 我们的网站可能会包含链接至由第三方运营的其他网站与资源。 这些链接仅为方便您使用而提供。 Epic Games 对这些网站或资源的内容没有控制权,也不会对因为您使用这些网站和资源而造成的损失或伤害负责。 服务条款 隐私政策 商城退款政策 发行商索引...
We develop cutting-edge games and cross-platform game engine technology!
Calculated using Exit Type probabilities, the company’s stage, and PitchBook’s historical returns data. Exit Type Evaluates the likelihood of a successful exit for investors, and the most likely exit type. Request a free trial Epic Games Comparisons ...
《Rogue Company》終極版 使用《Rogue Company》終極版來帥氣地拯救世界並賺大錢。 其中包含: 500 遊俠幣 第1 年通行證 遊俠版 附加內容 CN¥158 立即購買 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 Epic 獎勵 賺回5% 退款類型 不得退款 開發者 First Watch Games ...
See Epic Games funding rounds, investors, investments, exits and more. Evaluate their financials based on Epic Games's post-money valuation and revenue.
Creators of the Tiny Epic series. These are small box portable board games that pack a ton of strategy. Good for adults, families and teens.
The Epic Games Store (EGS) was launched in December 2018. In May 2020, Epic announced that their share of royalties for games developed in Unreal Engine are waived until developers have earned their first 1 million U.S. dollars in revenue. Other income streams of the company include Epic ...
If an Epic Games Store user closes their Account, the Epic Rewards balance will be forfeited. Epic Rewards have no cash value and cannot be transferred, traded, or cashed out. Epic Rewards have no value outside of the Program. If Epic decides a user has violated this Agreement, Epic may...
Epic is best known for its unreal series mainly the classic unreal and unreal engine. Its a old and vibrant company that has a strong mod community following for its support with the unreal series mod tool sets and make something unreal competition.
General Company Information Current Names Epic Games [common] Epic Games, Inc. [corporate] Former Names Epic MegaGames [common, effective until 1999] Epic MegaGames, Inc. [corporate, effective until 1999] Potomac Computer Systems [common, effective until November 1991] Status Active since 1991...