Verifying the email address on your Epic Games account helps keep your account secure. To verify your email address, follow the steps below
1. Email address associated with your Epic Games account 当前邮箱地址2. Current Epic Games account display name 当前epic账户的展示名3. First and last names of Epic Games account holder 当前账户持有者的姓名,这个可以在你的账户信息里查到4. External account currently connected to your Epic Games ...
Reset Your Password Enter your Epic Games account email address to receive a security code. Failed to initialize CAPTCHA. Please try again later or contact support. Email Address ContinueBack to sign in Privacy Policy
I want to change the country and region of my account. I chose the wrong one when I registered. Now I can't buy games. My epic account email address is:***. At present, epic's nickname is ***. I want to change the country of my account to ***.thank you Looking forward to ...
“Epic Account Data” means all information or data related to Epic Accounts that Epic makes available to you through the Epic Account Services. “Epic Account” means the Epic Games account of an individual end-user of Epic Games, which is used to access Epic Games products and services, an...
You have requested a change to your Epic Games account that first requires verification of your email. However, we understand that you have not received any of the verification emails that we sent you to do that. We’d like to help you resolve this email issue so we can proceed with ...
You have requested a change to your Epic Games account that first requires verification of your email. However, we understand that you have not received any of the verification emails that we sent you to do that. We’d like to help you resolve this email issue so we can proceed with ...
I have sent an email to the address currently on the Epic Games account with instructions to confirm your request.Please follow the directions in that email, and reply to let me know when you’re done, so I can make the changes for you!Thank you! Regards,Epic Games Player Support - ...
找到【镜像商店】,搜索epicgames-freegames ,下载charlocharlie/epicgames-freegames这个镜像,点击导入镜像 镜像导入完成后,在【镜像管理】里面找到该镜像,点击右侧创建容器 容器名称自定义。性能限制内存选择2048及以上,此容器内部会跑chromium内核,建议最低内存2G。
一直在跟我显示Epic online service未登录 只能玩单人不能联机 有没有大佬解决一下 分享131 epic吧 cliencer 【干货】Epic解绑QQ邮箱的方法 文字教程: 1.先在网页上登陆再访问Epic客服网址: 填写的文本:My epic account and email address are ( A ). But...