Investigating-Players may receive "500: Internal Server Error" or "404: This page could not be found" errors when trying to access We'll provide an update once the webpage is back online. Jan23,09:18UTC ...
身份提供商ID按名称唯一识别外部用户身份提供商。唯一的字符串。例如,这可以是epicgames、steam、uplay、psn、nintendo或xbl。 身份提供商环境识别账号的作用范围限定于哪个环境(如果适用)。身份提供商的范围内的唯一字符串。 账号ID唯一地识别外部用户账号系统中的用户。任意字符串。例如,这可以是用户的Epic账号ID或Ste...
error with epic games store 0xc000007b If those steps did not resolve your issue, the next step would be to perform a clean boot and check if Epic Games works. Open System Configuration: Press Win + R to open the Run dialog. Type msconfig and press Enter. Configure Selective Startup: ...
or accounting error has occurred. If you have questions regarding your transaction history or any correction, or if you dispute any transaction or correction that has been assessed against your Epic Wallet, please contact customer support at We will invest...
Given that Epic Games is an online service, connectivity errors are quite common and should be easy to fix. Depending on the situation, this error is usually due to slow or unstable network connections. On the other hand, server downtimes, incorrect configurations, third-party apps, and outdat...
Founded in 1991, Epic Games is an American company founded by CEO Tim Sweeney. The company is headquartered in Cary, North Carolina and has dozens of offices worldwide. Epic is a leading interactive entertainment company and provider of 3D engine technology. Epic operates one of the world’s ...
近日,Epic官方宣布,其平台的注册账号数量突破5亿,达成了新的记录。 Epic并未透露着5亿个账号的构成细节,但从官方此前放出的,截止2021年有1.94亿Epic Games账号的信息来看,玩家是目前Epic用户的主要组成部分。 之所以会出现这样的情况,与Epic从2018年12月起,每周向玩家赠送游戏的行为脱不开干系,虽然长时间的赠送游...
500 DL點數 同捆包中含有 500 DL點數 維耶多的一切都需要付出代價,但某些商品需要額外的代價!DL點數可用於兌換一系列遊戲內物品:獨特的毀滅性武器、硬漢服裝等等! 需要有《消逝的光芒2人與仁之戰》遊戲本體。遊戲為單獨出售。 DL點數只能在《消逝的光芒2人與仁之戰》遊戲內商店使用。 請訪問 ...
有个严重的问题,epic手机端这样搞,首先势必造成一些独立游戏的手游化趋势,而且要是真按照视频中说的方舟都能整出来手游版,我不敢想他是不是也能把gta5也整出手游版,这对我国的游戏发展冲击实在是太大了。起码手游市场面临的冲击不敢想象。手游版的独立游戏和手游版的大作简直吊打手游版的网游 五边形法... 08...