Epic Games announced that they will be giving away 15 games in their store starting on December 17 . The company will offer a free game every day until the end of the year, in addition to deep discounts at the rest of the store. Epic's move is similar to last year's promotion, whe...
Epic Games, via the Epic Games Store, is giving away not one, not two, but 15 free games to [...]
This year’s December has been a month of Free Games showers by Amazon Prime Gaming, Xbox Game Pass, and PlayStation Plus. And the same trend continues further with Epic Games leading with the 15 Days, 15 Free Games motto. This has been a game changer for Epic Games since they started...
We offer Free Games at the Epic Games Store every week! Claim and download the video game and it is yours forever. Also, see our free-to-play game communities.
An up-to-date list of what's currently being given away, and the entire history of Epic Games Store free games.
That being said, there have also been exceptions to this rule, notably in the final days of December, when free games were given out daily but also before that. Epic Games Store Free Games List 2020 Darksiders: Warmastered Edition Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Steep Sundered: Eldritch ...
Also starting December 17, we’ll be giving away a new game each day for two weeks straight - that’s right, it’s 15 Days of Free Games! Each game will be free to claim for just 24 hours, but they’re yours to keep forever. Now is the perfect time to browse and add any g...
More exciting though is the prospect of 15 days of free games from the Epic Games Store. Much like what happened last December, Epic will give away a new game every 24 hours. This year will also see a nice bump of generosity from Epic, because the event will last for three more day....
The Epic Holiday Sale returns on December 17. Unwrap great deals and prepare for 15 Days of Free Games!https://t.co/Ww6pybdm6Xpic.twitter.com/gkfK2uAms4 — Epic Games Store (@EpicGames)December 10, 2020 The impressive offer is being launched alongsidethe Epic Games Store’s Holiday Sal...
Epic领取免费游戏..已经免费领游戏很多很多了,从来没在Epic上面买过游戏,然后今天免费领游戏就跳出这个,翻译告诉我已经无法再领取更多免费游戏。。。Your account is unable to download a