Make a backup copy the game you want to move on your computer. Navigate to the game installation directory. (Default:C:\Program Files\Epic Games\[Game Name]) Copy this game folder to another location on your computer. Open the Epic Games Launcher. Click onLibrary. Locate the game ...
要为CommonUI启用增强输入支持,请确保两个插件在你的项目中处于激活状态,然后打开项目设置(Project Settings)并找到游戏(Game)>常见输入设置(Common Input Settings)>启用增强输入(Enable Enhanced Input),然后打开启用增强输入支持(Enable Enhanced Input Support)。 然后,你可以将增强输入操作映射到CommonUI的UI...
Double-click on the installer to begin the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions and select the new installation directory when prompted. Mac After you install the Epic Games Launcher to the Applications folder, you can mo...
If you need to register multiple startup objects, precede each additional line with a plus (+) character. For example, a possible configuration with three startup objects might look like this: [/Script/Blutility.EditorUtilitySubsystem] StartupObjects=/Game/Folder/MyClass.MyClass +StartupObjec...
-BuildRoot="D:\MyFolder\" 使用BuildPatch工具 初始设置 将BuildPatchTool ZIP文件的内容提取到可访问待上传二进制文件的机器。该机器还需要能够联网,以便与Epic后端通信。 ZIP文件链接始终与最新版BPT保持同步更新。如果无法访问该文件,请在支持页面上发起私密讨论以获取帮助。
Assets auto-generated by Modeling Tools are stored at this path, relative to the parent path defined by the Location. Set to an empty string to disable. Store Unsaved Level Assets in Top Level Game Folder If enabled, auto-generated Assets created in an unsaved Level will be stored relative ...
This is a tool for organizing gear and optimizing gear and unit builds for Epic 7. Gearing units can be time consuming and it's not easy to find optimal combinations of gear within the game, so I made this to help make the gearing process easier. ...
The steps that we will outline below will apply for all three changes in destination, i.e. another folder, drive and/or PC.Here is how to do it: Backup the game that you want to move. Navigate to:C: Program Files Epic Games *name of the game*(this is the default location, for ...
Click the Folder Icon to open the game's location Launch 'IragonVR.exe' for VR play Put on your VR headset, pick up your controllers, and get ready to immerse yourself in a truly unforgettable gaming experience. Enjoy your journey!
/update/repair a game launch Launch a game list List available (installable) games list-files List files in manifest list-installed List installed games list-saves List available cloud saves move Move specified app name to a new location status Show legendary status information sync-saves Sync ...