Code of Conduct Welcome! Epicodus Curriculum organization belongs to Epicodus, Inc and is moderated by Epicodus staff. 👀Note for Epicodus students and alumni: This code of conduct applies to everyone who engages in this community. It is a separate code of conduct from Epicodus’s student ...
Spy & PyroAndrew Kepple Samsung Means To Come The introduction in this animation tells you just how epic it will be: Samsung Means To ComeYoung-Hae Chang The Fingertips Project An epic animutation collaboration using music from They Might Be Giants. These things take a lot of people to make...
The book is still relevant now as it was thousands of years ago because of these compelling themes. Many elements from “The Epic of Gilgamesh” are crucial to our understanding of Mesopotamia and its monarchs. The poem has themes like male-female relationships, friendship, the king’s ...
“That party last night was epic.” Epoch is a noun meaning a period of time in a person’s life or in history. It is a synonym for ‘era’. “The break-up of the Soviet Union began a new epoch in European history.” FacebookTwitterGoogle +...
I teach JIRA classes to many students who use Agile. To date I have not found 2 companies that use Agile in the same way. JIRA is a software that attempts to facilitate the Agile philosophy. As such, JIRA provide a fairly broad approach to agile terms and functionality. In general, ...
But, as Cesar and his friends began critiquing the inmates’ clay sculptures and oil paintings (a dangerous business), the situation got murky. Could art really help these students, or were the teachers naïve? How close is any one person to becoming a criminal, if one mistake kicks off ...
BOOK NOW! Fundraiser Incentives and Reward Programs for Students! Looking for the perfect prize to crown your top fundraising students? The Epic Games2Go video experience is the incentive for sky-high sales records. Reward students with stellar academic achievements and perfect attendance, too. They...
Looking for core curriculum-aligned activities for your students? Download discussion questions and follow-up activities that correspond with each short story in the book. From language arts to science, theCode 7Discussion Guide has a variety of educational and fun activities for your classroom. ...
University Lusófona’s game and cinema students now have a joint path dedicated to Unreal Engine and virtual film production. Students can not only learn a widely sought-after skill set, but experience film/broadcast studios firsthand thanks to the support of partner, GTC. ...
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