Hydrellia spp. [Diptera: Ephydridae] attacking Hydrilla verticillata in south India. Entomophaga 35: 211-216.Krishnaswamy, S. & Chacko, M. J. — 1990. Hydrellia spp. [ Diptera: Ephydridae] attacking Hydrilla verticillata in South India. — Entomophaga , 35, 211–216....
机译:AEDES SPP的特征。 (Diptera:Culicidae)在印度尼西亚日惹市区DHF的流行区域的繁殖网站 Dila Hening Windyaraini ,Fanuel Triaswanto ,Yahya Mustangin 2020 5.OBSERVATIONS ON THE BIOLOGIES AND DISTRIBUTION OF CERTAIN PACIFIC NORTHWEST SHORE FLIES (DIPTERA: EPHYDRIDAE). and spring 机译:对某些太平洋西...
sturtevanti and Notiphila spp. in the other treatments during 1998, but there were no differences in numbers collected among the vegetation management treatments during 1999. Vegetation management significantly slowed the appearance of Ephydridae in constructed treatment wetlands, but only a short period...
Urolepis rufipes (Pteromalidae), Hexacola spp. (Cynipidae), Asobara sp. (Braconidae) were reared from puparia. Aggregation of larvae in isolated, drying mud pools was frequently observed, and it is surmised that this aggregation facilitates parasitization. The egg, 3 larval instars, and ...