This has led some scholars to say maybe Ephesians was written as a circular letter. 这让很多学者认为,也许《以弗所书》是封通函。 9. The Bible says, "You were . . . created to be like God, truly righteous and holy" (Ephesians 4: 24 GW). 圣经上说,“你们…是照着上帝...
But Joshua and Caleb were the only ones of that whole generation to survive and to receive their inheritance in the Promised Land. After the forty years of wandering were complete, we read about how Joshua was chosen to be he leader of Israel as they entered into the land, and that Caleb...
From context, we have a several possibilities. But I think Paul is trying to be inclusive as possible. He has already talked about how Jews and Gentiles are to be one in Christ – to have fellowship with each other (Ephesians 2:11-22). He has mentioned how we are saints together with...
16 By whom all the body being coupled and knit together by every joint, for the furniture thereof (according to the [ae]effectual power, which is in the measure of every part) receiveth [af]increase of the body, unto the edifying of itself in [ag]love. 17 [ah]This I say therefore...
Moreover, it was judged an absurdity that Paul would write to the Ephesians in terms of “mutual hearsay” (cf. “assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God’s grace that was given to me” [3:2] or “because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus” [1:15])....
8你们得救是靠着恩典,借着信心。这不是出于自己,而是 神所赐的;9这也不是出于行为,免得有人自夸。10我们原是 神所作成的,是在基督耶稣里创造的,为的是要我们行各样的善事,就是 神预先所安排的。 Close»ShareNoteExplainAskPrint Matthew Henry Concise...
On the other hand, the “New Perspective on Paul” turns salvation into a matter of joining the covenant community and living a life of faithfulness. That’s an over-simplification of this view, but it seems fair to say that its proponents deny that sinners are justified by grace alone thr...
a最后一句我想说我爱你 Last I want to say I love you[translate] ait is argued virtual interactions may be shaped by and grounded in the social, bodily and cultural experiences of users. 它是被争论的真正互作用也许被塑造和被着陆在社会,身体和用户的文化经验。[translate] ...
First, hope. Second, inheritance. Third, Paul prays that we might know "his incomparably great powerforus who believe." The idea here is of power directed (1) "into us," "toward us," or (2) "for our benefit."46While it's difficult to say which it is precisely, the idea is stil...
Even though the Christian is blessed “with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (1:3), spiritual warfare is still the daily experience of the Christian while in the world. Chapter 6 is the clearest advice for how to “be strong in the Lord and in the power of Hi...