(indicating the complete disappearance of the Northern Leopard Head from the narrative for more than a century) and its remarkable recovery and reappearance at the end of Daniel 11. The return of the King of the North at the end of the chapter sets the stage for the rise of Imperial Rome...
iv. “The Epistle to the Ephesians is a complete Body of Divinity. In the first chapter you have the doctrines of the gospel; in the next, you have the experience of the Christians; and before the Epistle is finished, you have the precepts of the Christian faith. Whosoever would see Ch...
i.以弗所书5章8-12节中描述的“暗昧无益的事”,基督徒不可参与,并要揭露出来。这个命令是有原因的。既然暗昧无益的事最终必被揭露出来,其横行的日子必要结束;那基督徒远避这种无益的事,是明智合理的。 b.你这睡着的人当醒过来,从死里复活:通过我们与耶稣一同复活,显明我们与光有分,且行在其中(祂叫我们...
a.他叫你们活过来:“他……叫……活过来”,这句话在英文圣经中是斜体,表示这些字是补充进文本中的,却是原文上下文中暗含的意思。保罗写信给信徒,他们因神的工作而活过来。 i.在上一章结束时,保罗认为神大能的终极展现,就是耶稣的复活。现在,保罗思想耶稣的复活大能对我们生命的影响。 b.死在过犯罪恶之中:...
Verse (Click for Chapter) New International VersionFor this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people,New Living TranslationEver since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for God’s people everywhere,...
Instead of enduring, I gave in and up by way of a terrible attitude. And when I felt like I couldn’t take one more thing, I asked God to stop it. Please, not another thing! I begged for mercy. But you know what? He reminded me He already did. God had mercy and had mercy ...
ii.神拣选人的缘由,并非反复无常,也不是偶然事件。虽然这些缘由过于我们所能测度的,但我们知道它们尽善尽美,充满智慧。不过,这些缘由皆取决于祂,而非我们。祂的拣选是,“按着自己意旨所喜悦的”(弗1:5)。 iii.我们是在基督里蒙拣选。“因为,我们若是在基督里蒙拣选,这事就不是凭着我们自己而成。不是因我们看...
1.(1-5)神奥秘启示之序言 因此,我保罗为你们外邦人作了基督耶稣被囚的,替你们祈祷(注:此句乃照对14节所加)。谅必你们曾听见神赐恩给我,将关切你们的职分托付我,用启示使我知道福音的奥秘,正如我以前略略写过的。你们念了,就能晓得我深知基督的奥秘,这奥秘在以前的世代没有叫人知道,像如今藉着圣灵启示他...