Believe it or not, all of this fits right in with what we are studying today in Ephesians 2:13-17. Ephesians 2:13-17 As we have seen in our study of Ephesians 2 so far, the chapter is all about how to end the hostility and violence that exists between various people groups in the...
18 因为我们两下藉着他被一个圣灵所感,得以进到父面前。 Read full chapter Chinese Union Version (Simplified) (CUVS) by Public DomainBack to resources Pinned NKJV Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible Notes Plus 4 entries for 以弗所書 2:11-2:18 PL...
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Start with a manageable goal. Read one chapter a day, or follow a reading plan. The key is not how much you read, but how much you absorb. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truths to you as you read. Practical Tip: Find a study Bible or a devotional that aligns with where you are i...
But actually this verse is the main verse which will be expanded upon in the rest of the chapter and in chapter 6. "Submit to one another" does not mean for everyone to submit to everyone else. For submission cannot be applied unless it is done with respect to a legitimate recognized ...
In chapter 1 Paul greets the Ephesian readers (1:1-2) and then begins to enumerate our many spiritual blessings in Christ (1:3-14). He notes the Ephesians' faith and love (1:15), and now describes his prayer for them. "I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in...
Chapter 2 We as Christians are instructed to rightly divide the Word of God, which implies that it requires dividing at times. Does that make sense? So if we don't do our homework and study and rightly divide, then we will most assuredly fall short of the complete understanding that our...
1 Corinthians chapter 7 is full of statements that show that men and women, husbands and wives, have equal rights and responsibilities. They have the same status, and1 Corinthians 7:14applies equally to Christian husbands and to Christian wives. (Elsewhere inthe New Testament, we also read tha...
And in verse fifty-eight of that same chapter Jesus again talks about the cost of following Him when He says, “remember this: even animals in the field have holes in the ground to sleep in and birds have their nests, but the Son of Man has no place here to lay down his head.” ...
Likewise, in chapter 2 there are a remarkable number of compound verbs carrying the idea "together with," such as ""made alive with Christ" (Ephesians 2:5), "raised ... with Christ" (Ephesians 2:6a), "seated with him" (Ephesians 2:6b), etc. We are all "in Christ," part of ...