6 在基督耶稣里,上帝使我们与基督一同复活,一同坐在天上, 7 好借着祂在基督耶稣里向我们所施的恩慈,向后世显明祂无可比拟的丰富恩典。 8 你们得救是靠恩典,凭信心。这不是出于你们自己,而是上帝的礼物; 9 也不是由于你们的行为,以免有人自夸。 10 我们是上帝的...
10) and "the God of glory" (Psalm 29:3; Acts 7:2). Jesus himself is called "the Lord of glory" (1 Corinthians 2:8). What does this phrase signify?
we do not think of ourselves as prideful or arrogant, so we quickly give ourselves a pass on humility. However, if we would look deeper at another meaning for humble, we would find there are some things we need to work on (emphases...