Bible > Commentary > Gray > Ephesians◄ Ephesians 6 ►Go Ad Free Log In
(On this confidence see 2Corinthians 3:4-6.) Both these gifts depend on "faith in Him:" in the one case, faith in His teaching and grace; in the other, faith in His atonement and His gift of the new life. . . . Pulpit CommentaryVerse 12. - In whom we have our boldness and...
ii.在希伯来书12章5-11节,将“教训”这个词翻译成“管教”。它的含义是,通过纠正与惩罚而进行训练。而“警戒”更多含有教导的意思——两者都很重要;虽然教训放在第一位,可能显得更加重要,但二者都是必不可少的。 iii.显然,教训和警戒都用来表述圣经的目的(提后3:16;林前10:11)。父母要按照神的话语,养育儿女。