Make good use of time because people live in very wrong ways these days. So then, be wise and understand what the Lord wants. Do not get drunk with
信徒同屬一體 - 所以,我這為主被囚禁的勸你們,既然蒙了上帝的呼召,就要過與所蒙的呼召相稱的生活。 凡事要謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容, 以和平彼此聯結,竭力持守聖靈所賜的合一。 正如你們蒙召後有同一個盼望,你們同屬一個身體,有同一位聖靈、
"Might" (KJV) or "power" (NIV, NRSV) is the Greek noun dunamis, that we encountered in verse 19. Here it refers to "an entity or being, whether human or transcendent, that functions in a remarkable manner."[15] "Dominion" (KJV, NIV, NRSV) is the Greek noun kuriotes."[16]Howe...
Ephesians 4:4 NIVEphesians 4:4 NLTEphesians 4:4 ESVEphesians 4:4 NASBEphesians 4:4 KJVEphesians 4:4 BibleApps.comEphesians 4:4 Biblia ParalelaEphesians 4:4 Chinese BibleEphesians 4:4 French BibleEphesians 4:4 Catholic BibleNT Letters: Ephesians 4:4 There is one body and one Spirit (...
Indeed, the purpose of this first of Paul's four petitions is "so that you may know him better" (NIV) or "come to know him" (NRSV). The Greek noun is epignōsis, "knowledge, recognition," in our literature limited to transcendent and moral matters.5...
As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 274 entries for 以弗所書 4 1030 God, compassion of 1030 God, compassion of An aspect of God’s nature which is reflect...
For this reason He says, “Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine [as dawn] upon you and give you light.” Therefore see that
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For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is
To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be