This study considers the first part element to the Construction site, the Foremen. Every construction site has Foremen. On any work site, the Foremen make sure that everybody knows what they need to know, does what they are supposed to do, and does it in unison so that that the task ...
Outline Greetings (1:1-2) The Divine Purpose: The Glory and Headship of Christ (1:3-14) Prayer That Christians May Realize God's Purpose and Power (1:15-23) Steps Toward the Fulfillment of God's Purpose (chs.2-3) Salvation of Individuals by Grace (2:1-10) ...
I want to look at Ephesians 2:13-17 today. This is a much longer section than I usually deal with in these studies, but I couldn’t break up the text into smaller units because it is all part of one whole thought. The following outline shows why: ...
OUTLINE Ephesians 5:1-21 Living as children of God 1-7 (with all your HEART) particularly with regards to: sensual sins, covetousness and speech Living as children of Light 8-14 (with all your CONSCIENCE) particularly with regards to: truth Living wisely 15-21 (with all your...
Because of current ecumenical concerns, Ephesians has assumed a dominant place in the life and study of the Christian community. Outline 1. Authorship and canonicity. The author of the letter identifies himself as Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles (1:1; 3:1). In a genuinely Pauline manner...
Ridderbos, Herman, Paul:An Outline of His Theology(J.R. DeWitt (tr.); Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, ET 1975, 1966) Sampley, J. Paul,"And the Two Shall Become One Flesh": A Study of Traditions in Ephesians 5.21-33(Society for NT Studies Monograph Series, Vol. 16; Cambridge: University ...
These prayers are complex and glorious in their descriptive detail. But because of the abundance of detail, it's hard to see the forest for the trees. So before we consider these prayers in detail, let's step back and look at the big picture. I've created a bare-bones outline of Paul...
The prayer request, in outline form is as follows: I pray for that God would strengthen you with power -according to the riches of His glory (God provided) -through the Spirit in your inner man (Spirit enabled) -with Christ dwelling in your hearts through faith (Christ directed) ...
The prayer request, in outline form is as follows: I pray for that God would strengthen you with power -according to the riches of His glory (God provided) -through the Spirit in your inner man (Spirit enabled) -with Christ dwelling in your hearts through faith (Christ directed) -being ...