ii. The wordguarantee(“down payment”) is used only in the New Testament of the Holy Spirit. He is ouronlydown payment of coming glory; nothing else is provided – orneeded. c.Having believed, you were sealed: The sealing does not comebeforewe believe, and those who demand some assuran...
There was a time that2 Corinthians 4:17 (“For ourlightaffliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.”)offended me. I could not relate to the things I was enduring or had endured aslight. Another version of that scripture reads...
在以弗所书4章13节里,保罗提到基督徒的成长范围:得以长大成人,满有基督长成的身量。我们还可以说,这节经文也是以弗所书4章32节理念的延续。保罗在以弗所书4章32节里吩咐我们,要彼此饶恕,正如神在基督里饶恕了你们一样。神的行为成了我们衡量自己行为的标准;神怎样对待我们,我们也当怎样彼此相待。 iii.重要的...
We always thank God for all of you, remembering you in our prayers / and continually recalling before our God and Father your work of faith, your labor of love, and your enduring hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.Philippians 1:3-5I thank my God every time I remember you. / In every ...
(John 18:28). Indeed, Jesus’ arrest, trial and execution all occurredbefore the Passover sacrifice, for when Pilate reminds the Jews of his custom of releasing a prisoner “at the Passover” (John 18:39) it is still early in the morning. An enduring perception of inconsistency between ...
清教徒约翰·崔普(John Trapp)写道,“尽管如此,虽则自然人从神学上讲,是死的;然而从伦理上将,却是活的,可以以理说服;因此,何西阿书11章4节这样说,‘我用慈绳(注:“慈”原文作“人的”)爱索牵引他们’,也就是说,用理智和爱的动机,这与人的天性相宜。所以,圣灵和神的道仍然通过理性动机,在我们身上动工...
Instead of enduring, I gave in and up by way of a terrible attitude. And when I felt like I couldn’t take one more thing, I asked God to stop it. Please, not another thing! I begged for mercy. But you know what? He reminded me He already did. God had mercy and had mercy ...
4.(9)雇主怎样行在光明中:善待员工。 你们作主人的待仆人也是一理,不要威吓他们,因为知道他们和你们同有一位主在天上,他并不偏待人。 a.你们作主人的待仆人也是一理:主人要待仆人(雇员)也是一理。正如仆人理当为主人努力地、诚实地工作;同样,主人为雇员也要同样地行,按照“一理”对待员工。
4.(20-21)保罗描述神的大能大力,希望以弗所信徒能够知道。 就是照他在基督身上所运行的大能大力,使他从死里复活,叫他在天上坐在自己的右边,远超过一切执政的、掌权的、有能的、主治的和一切有名的,不但是今世的,连来世的也都超过了。 a.照他……运行的大能大力:在我们里面运行的能力,是那使耶稣从死里复...