+1.619.788.1506 Ted@TeddyWebDesign.com Lakeside, CA 92040-3106 04:00-13:00 M-FUncategorized Posted on 2023.08.31 New Website Under Construction! Please excuse the dust as we rebuild our website on this new platform. Have a Blessed Day!!! New Website Under Construction! Read More ...
till we may all come to the unity of the faith and of the recognition of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to a measure of stature of the fulness of the Christ,Ephesians 4:13 Additional Translations ... LinksEphesians 4:13 NIVEphesians 4:13 NLTEphesians 4:13 ESVEphesians 4:13 NASB...
King James Version 13Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: Read full chapter New King James Version(NKJV) ...
Live up to your calling! - So, then, this is my appeal to you—yes, it’s me, the prisoner in the Lord! You must live up to the calling you received.
Verse 11 has one of those huge errors in translation that the NIV sometimes has. It baffles me why the translators took this liberty here, but they did, and so I want to correct it for you today (Author’s Note: I have since switched to the NKJV). The NAS and the KJV have it ...
“Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.”
“Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.”
Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ - As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be
以弗所书 4 Ephesians 4 New International Version Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ 4As a prisonerfor the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthyof the callingyou have received.2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one anotherin love.3Make every ...
e Ps 4:4 Ps 37:8 f Ro 12:19 Jas 4:7 1 Pe 5:9 7 an opportunity g Ac 20:35 1 Co 4:12 Ga 6:10 h Lk 3:11 1 Th 4:12 i Mt 12:34 Eph 5:4 Col 3:8 j 1 Th 5:11 8 building up k Col 3:16 l Is 7:13 m Ro 3:14 Col 3:8 Col 3:19 9 loud...