Christian Training Fellowship has begun it’s first class, the Book Of John. What a great place to begin a new adventure in studying God’s Word! As I study to lead this class I am so impressed with the fact that every time Jesus came into contact with individuals He always left them...
Ephesians 4:16 is a summary of everything Paul has taught up to this point. He previously mentioned the spiritual gifts God provided to help church leaders train the rest of the church body to carry out church ministry. Here, Paul basically says the same thing, and points out that when e...
and His plan to commission His disciples to do the same. It is therefore no surprise that Jesus’ next words carried the same meaning: “and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19...
Barth also comments on the meaning of plērōma in pp. 367, 374. Patrick T. O'Brien, "Benediction, Blessing, Doxology, Thanksgiving," Dictionary of Paul and His Letters [DPL] (InterVarsity Press, 1993), p. 69. BDAG 1030-1031, B. BDAG 1033. Barth, p. 375. "Unto Him Be Glory ...
So this is a root principle for me– which of the candidates who is viable (meaning can actually win) promotes an approach to government in line with preserving individual liberty and marketplace innovation? I see Donald Trump’s cutting of taxes and regulations as far superior to Hillary on...